Thinking about Enemy Territory at the moment, there is one team that everyone knows, one team that all other teams want to beat and one team that was, before the CPC2 LAN unbeaten in over 365 Days - A whole YEAR of competitive Enemy Territory matches and that team was United Kingdom Dignitas.

Since then we have seen the former Estonia stars beaten on numerous occaisons such as twice at CPC2 by United Kingdom Impact Gaming and Europe TLR and then beaten in their EuroCup XV Group by Finland Insignia Cadre. Dignitas were out with a point to prove last night when they faced Impact in the Clanbase Eurocup, and although they won - they were not as convincing as we have seen them in the past. "Why the history lesson?" I hear you ask! Well hold your horses, ill get to the point in a minute.

image: eurocup

Gambling now seems to be at the forefront of most gamers lives today, whether it be poker, CBooky or most notably Gbooky we all want to win some money! So who is the team that will replace Dignitas? Who will be the unbeaten team that everyone else wants to face?
Well there are plenty of choices that come to find, im sure the teams listed above could all fill the void that Dignitas are leaving behind as well as other capable teams such as Europe Zeropoint, Europe Vicious and Evil or Europe Polar eSports all having the potential in the future to be contenders for the prestigious award.

Well, after extensive research (browsing for a few minutes) i have found a team that has shown they have what it takes to claim the unbeaten record in Enemy Territory - the most reliable clan to bet on in Gbooky, and i have to say it is none of the teams i have mentioned so far in this coloumn!
Forget the Eurocup, Forget the Nationscup for this team competes in none of them. Forget OpenCup or Warleagues Premier Divisions, for this team competes in none of them. No, the most reliable team this year on ETTV has been a clan that has often been put into the limelight for not so positive reasons. With them being flamed for their continued use of ETTV for their matches and them "not being highskilled enough for ET", im sure you remember their name now.

Yes thats right, none other than Norway Chickens With Guns are the team i am referring too. The team that has won or drawn 21 out of 22 matches played on ETTV since January 2007. For those that want an almost guaranteed win on GBooky, dont think of Dignitas, Impact or TLR simply think of CwG!