Last night I watched and grimaced as I saw a near full strength Estonian side quite simply being torn apart by a youthful and energetic Belgian squad. The showpiece return for the Dignitas players after an extended absence from the Nations Cup side since the semi final loss to Germany 2 seasons ago was abruptly put on hold. As Belgium showed no remorse and took a deserved 4-0 victory. The problem isn't only on the national side of things either as Dignitas find themselves being routinely picked at by teams whom they would have cast aside without a second thought last season. I put it to you, where did it all go wrong ?

Eurocup XIII[/b] ]
The dynasty begins back in EuroCup XIII, where for all but Estonia Night and United Kingdom adzz was their first Eurocup title. In a lackluster season with the only noticeable challenge coming from an all star Europe deMiurge side. It seemed more routine than achievement but for some of these players it had been a long time coming.

Estonia Night
Netherlands tekoa
Estonia Holz
United Kingdom adzz
Germany senji
Germany urtier


Sweden LoTiX
Finland torpso
Finland Tiigeri
Finland Sanctity
Belgium Xionn
Finland Jauhis

In one of the best games in recent memory, the deMiurge side managed to captivate a record ETTV audience and take the supremely dominate side to a decider after clinching Frostbite when Sweden LoTiX aka GODCHILD made the difference with a 3 man panzer kill which you can see in his recently released movie.

EuroCup XIV[/b] ]

Slovenia JaKaZc
Estonia Night
Estonia RELOAd
Estonia r3vers
Germany urtier
Germany senji

The season of transition, teKoa and adzz fell back into inactivity and Holz army duty meant the Dignitas side needed some new blood. JaKaZc returned home after taking quite a beating in the Eurocup final the previous season, along with former u96d brethren Estonia r3vers who had spent time with RELOAd in Kujuneb the season before. RELOAd himself had just finished active duty being part of the Europe SFX.Lan side hotly contesting Dignitas rule at Netherlands CPC1 and in the Europe ESL IPS. The side was concluded and completely blew everyone away without question, a short blimp in 5v5 which was payed in kind by humbling the newly founded Sweden zeroPoint side twice and finished the season without losing a map, and equaling Dignitas previous record and made all the sweeter by re-joining the former MGC.

This is where it turns sour, and the veneer of invincibility starts to peel away. From the height of power to the pits of despair. A side without a leader and without guidance, fell to the United Kingdom TLR.eSports side destined to win CPC2. The damage was done, and barely capable to fight back they suffered again to a second defeat this time to United Kingdom Impact-Gaming, it looked all to familiar to the Poznan 5v5 qualifiers. History repeating itself, without Night and without hope.

Dignitas 2 - 4 United Kingdom TLR.eSports ]

Slovenia JaKaZc
Ireland sol
Estonia RELOAd
Estonia r3vers
Germany urtier
Germany senji


Belgium mAus
Croatia aCoZz
Spain Winghaven
Belgium dAv1d
Latvia Clown
Poland d0kter
(Bremen and Radar)

Dignitas 2 – 4 United Kingdom Impact-Gaming ]

Slovenia JaKaZc
Ireland sol
Estonia RELOAd
Estonia r3vers
Germany urtier
Germany senji


Finland Tiigeri
Finland mystic
Netherlands M1lk
Finland Raveneye
Finland Xpaz
Netherlands teKoa
(Radar and Frostbite)

EuroCup XV[/b] ]

United Kingdom Dignitas 2 - 4 Finland Insignia Cadre

Slovenia JaKaZc
Estonia Night
Estonia r3vers
Germany urtier
Germany senji
Ireland sol


Finland Mulsu
Finland chmpp
Finland kmble
Finland lettu
Finland twidi
Finland Squall
(Bremen and Radar)

United Kingdom Dignitas 4 – 2 United Kingdom Impact Gaming

Slovenia JaKaZc
Estonia Night
Estonia r3vers
Germany urtier
Germany senji
Estonia RELOAd


Finland Tiigeri
Finland mystic
Netherlands M1lk
Finland Raveneye
United Kingdom Mztik
Netherlands teKoa

Now you have to delve a long way back into the history to see the last time a Dignitas/idle/u96d side lose a map never mind lose a game at the group stage (EuroCup XI, in case your wondering) and it automatically dumped Dignitas into the tougher half of the draw and a CPC2 re-union against Impact-Gaming. They managed to scrape through against a slightly weakened Impact side, due to Finland Xpaz's absence. Estonia r3vers last gasp riflenade killing both axis engineers on Braundorf saved Dignitas from embarrassment and an early drop into the losers bracket. Why are Dignitas stuttering so much ?

The loss against Insignia Cadre came as quite a surprise, the last time that a side lead out by Night lost a map/game so early into the competition was the defeat to uQ [parodia] in EuroCup XII at the first play off stage. Only to power through the losers bracket and again finish second to parodia. The losses at Netherlands CPC2 can be overlooked slightly since the talisman wasn't there. However the losses at Eurocup can't be so easily overlooked.

image: jaka image: senji image: sol image: reload image: night
image: urtier image: r3vers

Why is a team which last season so throughly dominated the Eurocup, stuttering this season ? The lineup is the same and truth be told has actually improved with Sol adding more depth as a strong backup player who although limited in his role does generally play well when called upon. You have 3 players capable of playing riflenade to a good standard and all of which multi class well, one of the best in game leaders ever, the best field ops in the game and two of the best medics in the game with great aim. Whats going wrong? Despite adding more depth the lineup, could the switches be having a negative effect ? Are they too inactive ? The loss of Supply and Adlernest to some extent from the Eurocup map pool has also taken its tole but then why did they lose Goldrush to Impact Gaming? Have they lost motivation after ruling the roost for so long ? Or more importantly are they finally being caught up with. Small inevitable chinks are being cast into Dignitas armor and for the first time in a very long time, I ask you. Are Dignitas still good enough to be number one ? The game against TLR.eSports on Thursday has more importance than you may at first give credit. Another loss and who knows what impact it may have on the boys from the blue, black and white.

image: game2711