image: eurocup15 Editor note: It's about Call of Duty 2!
The EuroCup groupstage has passed and the teams participating in the playoffs to get into the grand lan finals in August got found. With 6.000€ prizemoney, this seasons EuroCup proved the worth having the very top and very best matches in an online event.

Getting the top of the top - Group A
With United Kingdom Dignitas having only one loss against the group's very top Czech Republic eSuba, the group got their favorites right in front of United Kingdom Infused-Gaming who proved their EC worthy with only loosing against these two but owning the rest of the group. With the Europe Aksioo Gaming Group on rank 4 another new name in the CoD2 scene didn't proved their true power and ended up right in front of the German Germany Replika (former Team.coolTronik) and the former Vicious and Evil Team taking the new, funny name Sweden GayUnit in the EuroCup after ending at the last place.

The German one - Group B
With two german teams participating not as the favorites to win, only one team was able to pass through as second of the group. With Germany gfive starting as Team aacom ends as fifth and unofficially last place of the group, the team with the sniper-god kohlii didn't make it into the end. Right in front of team, Netherlands Team EDiT didn't get through as well getting the forth place right behind the second finnish team Finland Insigna Cadre. The first rank of the group came up to noone else than Finland Team Logitech, ended up as second at CPC2 and now getting their favor role proved and reached the playoffs.
I caught up the one and only - unbeliveble and most of the time realy annoying Germany SPEEDLINK Trigger to get his point of view on the groupstage as well as on the upcoming playoffs and the WSVG. The GIGA2 moderator for CoD2 had to say the following words:
Quote by triggerWe are happy to be part of the Eurocup Playoffs once again. Our Group had some big names and with 3 wins and only 1 loss against a really well playing Logitech we are ending as 2nd of the Group - with the same Points as the first - Logitech. We dont know exactly how the playoffs gonna work out for us. It really depends on the maps we have to play and if they use Smoke or not. Also our hard prepation for the WSVG in Dallas (USA, Texas) will be a consideration for the EC Playoffs and makes it really hard for us. But overall i guess we gonna handle it kinda good and looking forward to the WSVG in July.

Starting with the bad things - Group C
Two dropouts and 1 additional forfeit made this EuroCup very intense and saved us many hot moments. With Europe stheno proving no EuroCup worthy in group C and dropping after loosing clearly against other teams, reason gave up their last match and added a default win for the groups second Belgium defusekids. Sweden teamoxid lost against them and didn't make it into the playoffs. The international - and unofficially mix - team of Europe tek-9 made it through and pushed up their favorite role to get the first place in here without a single loss. The czech team Czech Republic nEcro also didn't make it on the very top and ended up on the 4th place.

Making the impossible happend - Group D
With H2K missing 2 matches, Netherlands serious, Europe H2K and Czech Republic neophyte can still make it into the playoffs.
With Italy impact, a new light on the Call of Duty sky came up and proved their italian power to get the first spot into the playoffs. With beating serious gaming in their first group match, they made the first step for Netherlands serious' way down to take the 5th place just in front of the german Germany Bouncer4You Gaming team which could not get onto their ambitious road as they did in the german IPS qualifiers earlier this month. Czech Republic neophyte as CPC2 participant taking the second ticket into the playoffs and leaving Netherlands H2K Gaming as third and Europe Copenhagen eSports forth in the back.

Groups Overview

Group A
Czech Republic eSuba
United Kingdom Dignitas
United Kingdom Infused-Gaming
Europe Aksioo Gaming Group
Germany Replika (former Team.coolTronik)
Sweden GayUnit (former Vicious and Evil)

Group B
Finland Team Logitech
Germany Team Speedlink
Finland Insigna Cadre
Netherlands Team EDiT
Germany gfive (former Team adacom)
United Kingdom hMg (dropped out!)

Group C
Europe tek-9
Belgium defusekids
Sweden Teamoxid
Czech Republic nEcro
United Kingdom Reason
Europe stheno (dropped out!)

Group D
Italy impact
Czech Republic nEophyte
Europe H2K Gaming
Europe Copenhagen eSports
Netherlands serious gaming
Germany Bouncer4You

Bold teams made it into the playoffs, italic teams can still make it into the playoffs (including a little bit luck for some) detailed rankings with scores and stuff can be found on the official website.

:: Source
:: ClanBase EuroCup XV