I think anyone would agree nowadays there are more cheaters than there were in the past. You hear the "oldschoolers" whine about "randoms with 2 days old guids that own the shit". I can't deny I'm one of them. Why didn't we use to say this to unknown people? I can't remember even hearing about cheaters getting caught before the Dutch players Lucifer & copkiller. I remember people being shocked and upset by the news there were cheaters among people who were believed to be "respected" members of this community. How come now no one can be certain if someone is clean or not? Why don't we believe in the honesty of players?

I think one of the major reasons the whole cheaters-everywhere thing has gotten way out of hand is because of yawn.be. With the ability to yawn people we could check who a person was. I think in the beginning it was mostly used to check who you were playing in wars, fake nicking was even more popular back then. You could find out who someone was and where and with who he played. It was a gift of God, because the "pro's" couldn't fake nick anymore and you could tell all your friends you played <enter randomname>! Not too long ago there was a new feature added to yawn. Yawn was connected to pbbans and violations with punkbuster were added to their yawns. In the beginning this seemed like a good thing, you could now see who the person was you're playing and if he had any violation. In no time yawn became a tool often used by so called "cheatbusters".

Well what's negative about this? Isn't it a good thing cheaters get busted? Yes in its basics the new feature is a good thing and yes cheaters should be busted and banned. So what's the point of this column? Well I'd like to point out the down sides to this feature! It's in people's nature to be curious about things that are forbidden and therefore gamers are curious about cheats. I know I'm pretty damn curious about how it would be to play with a wallhack and not get busted. You used to be able to try a cheat on a random server and nothing would happen. You would know how it would be to cheat and that's it. No consequences! With the new yawn though you will get this nice red triangle behind your name and there is a big chance you will be banned from leagues such as ESL.

Another thing is that people that have tested a cheat will be called cheaters the rest of their ET career. I do not think this is fair, but hey you tested the cheat so bare the consequences. Something that isn't good and is somewhat forgotten is the fact that people get "busted" and not banned, because the evidence isn't enough. Even if these players aren't cheating, they will still be remembered as cheaters and will be looked upon as cheaters. People's reputation will be ruined and their chances to do well in ET with it. People can spoof their guids and ruin their reputation just because they don't like the player in question.

Last but not least is what the red triangle at yawn actually shows. Yawn streams pbbans.com and if there has been a violation with that is shown it will be behind the players name in yawn. Including these violations are cvars violations, but what does this actually show? It shows you have certain commands in your config and these will supposedly work with the cheat you're using. Is this real proof though? Am I a cheater for having certain commands in my config? No I'm not. It's not proof nor can it be used like this. Why do you put it behind my name at yawn and will everyone think I'm a cheater? It's just ridicolous. Again people's reputation can be ruined by such a simple thing as a cvar.

The reason why I'm writing this is because I'm sick and tired of the cheaters hype surrounding ET. I can't read a single journal on crossfire or play a game without people accusing each other. I have a new computer and therefore a new ETpro guid and pb guid, I was playing a 3on3 and got called a cheater. Why? Because of my new guid! Does someone need a yawn history of 2 years without any violation to not be called a cheater? And even if you have one, but you haven't played with known teams people will call you a cheater!

I hope this column will make some people think of how far ET has come. Is someone a cheater if they have tested a hack once or twice? What would this world be if we wouldn't give people a second chance? Should we accuse people just because we don't know them? How can you justify ruining someones reputation, just because you believe that person cheats?