After Adacore's news thread, which managed to gather more than 450 comments in 6 hours, it's clear to me that something is wrong. Very wrong, in fact, and in order to look cool and impress internet people "help" the "community" solve "the problem" I'll try to summarize the main points raised against What The Fuck Dude That's a Horrible Idea.

Keran And Shy Cheated.

pro5 knew about it - I think this is the main talking point here, the bans are not new, they were set in motion quite a time ago, enough time in fact for keran to admit that he did indeed download a hack. zP kicked them, the community flamed them, everyone knew that keran and shy will get banned eventually. "But we weren't sure they were cheaters" is a pathetic excuse in this case.

It creates a nasty precedent - This is huge. With one fell swoop cb managed to completely destroy the work of various people trying to get the community distrustful of cheaters. Is it right, that after hours of making themselves look like idiots, the work of good men like evantjebraksiekensilolol and silentunderscore is destroyed? That small newspost is all it takes for making cheaters okay to play with. While some people didn't mind having a cheater or two in the lineup, most were still hestitant to add *]=45thid=[*BuZzzZ1337 to their cb roster. Now, well, what the hell, right?

It doesn't help anything - It's a game, man, get a life. In other words, it seems as if by not penalizing the whole team, cb made it personal. Massively personal, even, as every busted cheater, helix player, helix supporter and person-who's-name-starts-with-t can say "this is hardly fair, in this other situation something or other happened and NOW IT DIDN'T". And as childish as it may sounds, they may be right.

Imagine all the people - writing newsposts if pro5 win the EC? Is it really the sort of publicity an organization wants to attract? CB has been losing relevance lately, with worldcup, the 5on5 fiasco, and now this. I don't think having a team like that winning a major event is going to end well for them.

Added - The razz case - after reading some more comments on the newspost, it looks like people are saying "well you can't know if razz didn't use rivatuner in officials". You "can't know" if keran and shy used their cheats in an official either by that logic, so that argument doesn't hold. Please stop using it.

Not cool, CB.