After my column about respect in ET reached around 3000 views and 150 comments I started to wonder...
We all have our opinion, our voice and our powers to let our voice be heard.
I also came to the conclusion that I';m not the only one who thinks this way, I'm not alone at all! That's why I';m going further in the minds of co-gamers as well as cheaters. What makes us see, detect and judge cheaters by their actions?

First of all, I would like to ask you all to stand open for others opinion and not think like a horse with 2 side-spans (you know, the things that makes them focus only on 1 thing.).
Don't press the reply button just so you can humiliate , discriminate or verbally abuse someone. Because lately I think that's what that button is all about.
Now, to move on with my global view of today's game situations.

Secondly, do you think people wake up and think, "what a nice day to fuck up someone's war?"; Well fright frankly I don't think that';s the deal, well.. for some it might, because never say never.
However, you and me both know that there is more to it then just "Fucking some other dude's day." Because cheaters have 2 ways: the-silence-sneaky way and the show-your-own& way.

the show-your-own way

It's all about attention , people are media and attention horny. If they aren't in the spotlights they are planning how to get back in it. This disturbs me because people want fame for the wrong reasons. And that is fucking this cyber-world up. Because people who don't want that sort of fame and just want to have fun and a descent war get blamed for these people's attitude.

But I still believe that every people if different in some way. So care less about yourself and care more about the community you have to bear in.

the silence-sneaky way

This is not about attention, just about not letting people down. Not letting people have the question about: "How is it possible such a great player has such a bad day?"

Well it is possible, that's what I love about being a Human. Because even if you're beaten you still have a sort of illusion of "When I';m 100% I'll kick his ass!"
Might be an illusion but think about it, don't we all do this ?
Now.. this is a pretty long so time for some relaxation.

A little story...

Ones there was a person whose nick was Dignity.
He was an amateur gamer, having fun in the game without manic depression or stress attacks. This person was happy, but saw on some sites the wonderful world of Internet leagues. The boy was euphoric, he logged on the cyber-world and started to play more , longer, with no more respect then for himself.( yes first time in the whole column that I use respect in a sentence). The boy was better, he got more attention, he was known, famous and had powers.

Now, this boy Dignity, was waking up every morning with the same empty feeling.
It wouldn't go away, he tried everything, till suddenly he found a way to fill that empty spot up. That way was called discrimination and verbal abuse. But as well did he feel that after a while that hole came back. And he had to do it again, but harsher stronger and more brutally.

This Story has no happy ending because there never was an end. Because the boy did not have the courage or the strength to find a happy ending.

Doesn't this remind you guys, of a certain player that you know; because frankly I think 99% of today';s gamers acts this way?

And I know I'll have some negative comment on this column, but you can't punish a player for telling the truth. And as well a question: "How the fuck did it get this screwed up?"

This is a column wich I would like to expand with you guys.
Reply with what you think and not what you think people want you to say.

Yes it internet. Yes it's pretty anonimous. However, it is also the future of today's cyber-gaming.

This is a long column, and I might be wrong about it. But at least I try to find an explanation instead of following the herd.

- ManKo -