First of all, i think i should introduce myself as I've magically appeared from no where.
image: qw
A quick click on my profile will let you know that i'm an admin on this site and i've been a member on this site for nearly 9 months. What it doesn't tell you is this:

I started about 7 years ago running Gran Tursimo racing leagues for piggyback interactive. I then discovered a game called RTCW and i fell in love. My first serious clan in RTCW was called the phenomina and the leader of this clan was called TosspoT who is around here somewhere apparently. We then joined the multi gaming outfit void where we had the best times playing RTCW ever. Whilst i was with void, i ran all of the Blueyonder leagues and tournaments which were all hailed as a success! I was then approached by a team called omg! and was offered a place in their ranks. I played along side ninjai, darv, jak, shad, frog and salvor (which are all legends i might add) and this is where i really learned how much i loved the competitive aspect of the game. I finally ended up playing RTCW for a clan called UniCon. We were sponsored by the UniCon LAN centre and the team consisted of half the omg! squad, and a handful of players from allgunsblazing. This is the team i attended the infamous wolfcon LAN with which was ran by the man himself, TosspoT! RTCW sadly died a premature death and i was still hungry for more..

Call of Duty was my next stop, and oh how i warmed to this game. The less i go into my CoD clan history the better, any former TAG cod players will know why ;) I played for Inifinity-eSports along with the majority of the old UniCon RTCW squad. Whilst playing CoD, we noticed that there were no community sites like we had in RTCW, so we decided to make one. was spawned and was the number one cod site in the world for it's entire duration. Whilst running cod-nation i decided to run a tournament as again, there was nothing for CoD at the time. The top teams in europe came together to compete in the tourney. We had shoutcasting from iTg and it ran perfectly from start to finish. I was also responsible for pointing out to the CoD devs just how badly made their game was by producing clipping videos on every map. They tried to fix the clipping issues and failed badly so i stopped playing. Bear with me, i really wanna let you people know what i'm about :P

Next up was - a multigaming community ran by the same people who were behind This is where i started with my WoW "career" which only recently came to a close. I played WoW since the american beta, right through to alpha testing the new expansion and then playing the expansion in retail. I'm still part of my beloved guild (i don't care if that sounds gay!) Affliction who are currently rocking the PvE department. I had a brief stint in Nihilum where we worked mega hard ripping Naxx apart and i was in the world first Kel'Thuzad kill. I was also a staple part of the warrior community, especially when the NDA got lifted on the expansion beta. Those warriors who followed the forums and remember Penn from nihilum, that was me :P

Now we have this place, back to crossfire, my roots. I've been planning a come back for a long time, and i'm finally getting back into the swing of things. Quake Wars is my weapon of choice as you may have noticed and now you've had a snippet of my life story, on with the show!

image: strogg

What's Quake Wars like then?

First of all, i really have to point out that this is an early beta build we're all playing. It has some bugs, it runs slow on a lot of low spec PC's and it has a tendency to crash. This is all part of beta testing, you either love it or you hate it. This public beta is all about optimising and tweaking game code, net code and finalising any balancing issues. This is why all of your good quality feedback is needed. Please post any feedback you have on the Fileplanet forums which you will have access to via your beta sign up email.

I've been playing the game for 5 days now and i can safely say i now know the map properly, and have mastered 2 classes, the strogg technician and the strogg constructor. I have only ever played the GDF as a medic briefly so i can't really comment too much on that. Forgetting the odd drop in FPS, the movement feels very solid. Even though the movement is very different, old RTCW trick jumpers should be able to pick the movement up instantly and be able to literally fly across the map at high speeds. One thing i'm not sure everyone has realised yet though is that you must strafe with your knife/spikes out if you want to gain any kind of speed. Strafing with a gun out is very possible and is preferable at times, but everybody knows you run faster with a knife, right?

I can't shoot anything!

Anyone who has played a quake 3 engine game will notice this straight away. I will start by telling you all that Splash Damage already have a fix that has worked wonders for their internal test build and will be a massive improvement on the current hit detection and prediction. It is still very playable, even in it's current form so i cannot wait to try the new build out with optimised hit detection. It should give us a much better idea of what the final game will feel like.

How will it be played?

Right now all the servers are playing 12 vs 12 with all vehicles enabled. This is great for public play but no way will it be viable for clan play. Playing the beta gives you a great introduction of how the game objectives, classes and weapons work. What it doesn't do is allow us to determine how competitive matches will be played. I have my own theory about how it's best to be played but the community will need time with a near final build to finalise anything.

Strogg and GDF, what classes?

As i said earlier, i've had a lot of experience playing the strogg as a technician (medic). Strogg medics are very, very different to RTCW and ET medics. The GDF medics are very similar however. Strogg medics carry stroyent which provide ammo and health to themselves and fellow strogg. The downside is that it takes roughly 3 seconds to revive fallen strogg. Strogg medics can also create spawn hosts. Spawn hosts are created by pressing action on a fallen GDF body. If successful, a bunch of spikes will stick up from the body. You then need to activate the host by pressing action and the spikes will go down. You will now spawn at that location on your next deployment. Sound overpowered? GDF medics can destroy spawn hosts with 2 successful hits with their revive paddles which should be a priority for all GDF medics. GDF medic revives are instant and they carry health packs. They can however call in a supply crate by throwing a smoke grenade onto the desired location. I'll leave the constructor details for another time as i've hardly played engineer as the GDF.

But it has vehicles!

Quake Wars is new, It's not ET and it's not battlefield. This is very important to remember whilst playing, especially to you ET players! This beta is a great chance to see how vehicles affect general game play. Travel vehicles such as the Icarus, Husky, Hog and Armadillo are harmless and could easily stay in for competitive play. Tanks, APC's, aircraft and MECH WALKERS will be hard to incorporate into competitive scenarios though as their sheer fire power can decimate infantry in milliseconds. Personally, i think ETQW could easily be played without any vehicles at all but once again, we'll have to wait for a near final build to see if any vehicle changes get made.

Final thoughts

Without going into dissertation like lengths, that's about all i could conjur up for now. You now all know a little about me and can hopefully see that Quake Wars will be my main focus here at crossfire. Quake Wars is shaping up to be a great game. So to everyone who is currently on the beta, i beg you to actually give it a chance. Play it for a couple of days, try out the brand new classes and just enjoy yourself! I come from a competitive RTCW background and i love it to bits, i see no reason why you shouldn't enjoy it too! I've got big things planned for Quake Wars in the future so if you do decide to play it, you know you'll have this community to play it with!

I'd just like to add that new information regarding the Public Beta will be announced on Monday, so stay tuned!

Links: Community Site - Official Site