Recently the lesser blessed players had a change to play Quake Wars as well. Some lucky people already have been playing the beta for months. We are on xfire so we are only interested in one thing: Is this game suited for competition? It's hard to judge whether it is suitable based on just a beta. Nonetheless I am writing this column. Why? Because I fucking can!

First thing I have to do as should all of you is to stop making comparisons between RTCW/ET and Quake Wars. I myself have been guilty of doing so but that could destroy this game. Second that has to be done is not to be afraid of change. Who cares what the developers intended? If things have to be altered to favor competition it has to be done.

I have no idea when the full version comes out but the first months of a game are the best. Just think of all the tactics teams will use. They can be totally different and that's a lot of fun. ET never really had this because going from Rtcw to ET was just a small step. This change is a lot better so everything has to start relatively fresh. Remember the days of Wolfenstein where teams still tried to defend both radars on mp_base. Later on everyone used the same (boring) tactic of just defending one radar. This was the best tactic but it got quite dull. Clan Kapitol using a venom in the first BOB tournament (was it called battle of the beachhead??) on the stairs on mp_beach. You never saw it again. So enjoy the first few months of the game, afterwards the game gets repetitive.

How to stop it from becoming dull and repetitive? I have no idea how many maps will be included or what they look like but competitions should not use the same maps over and over again. Each season, which is 6 months, a number of maps have to be chosen. These maps will be used that season and the following season maps will rotate. Use no map for more than two seasons and be sure to add customs to the map pool after a while. Remember Supply depot which was a good custom map, if not amazing, but it got played way too much. Removing the map for a season or two would stop it from becoming dull. Let's prevent that from happening by making something as simple as rotating map pools.

Game play changes. Don't let the game remain the same for a long time. Keep making small changes which affect game play. Change the rules for something simple as respawn times, recharge times, number of mines god knows what but keep changing small things regularly. This will keep things fresh and exciting. Tactics will have to changed to adjust to the new game play. This will stop the game from being dull and repetitive.

Is the game suited for competition? This is impossible to determine based on the beta and without competition being played but it is more likely than not that it is not suited out of the box. It can't be balanced from the start. When the game gets played more teams will discover things that disrupt the balance of the game. Besides that there are a lot of functions in Quake Wars. Not only vehicles but also two types of mines among other things. Some will add flavor to the game while others will ruin the game. Which? Time will tell but I don't be afraid of change. That something was added doesn't mean it can't be removed or tweaked but the game also shouldn't be made into Rtcw or ET because while ET was quite similar to Rtcw this doesn't relate that much to the previous game. The engine is different which causes new dynamics. It has classes and team play but that's the only comparison that can be made. This game can be suited for competition, let's see to it that it will.

I still want to propose one change I, and other, have already suggested for ET a long time ago: Maptimes. These maps are big and the time limits are long. Not everyone can play for hours or wants to play for hours just to play a game in a tournament. Not everyone likes to be held at spawn for 20 minutes which can happen in an uneven match. A simple rule can change all this. Take a look at the current map. There are two main objectives (three if you count blowing up the sewer): Building the EMP disruptor and hacking the sewer system. The current map time is 20 minutes. Exact times aren't important but let's say a team gets 8 minutes to build the disruptor. If they fail the other team has won. Do they manage to build the disruptor in those 8 minutes than they have 8 minutes to hack the sewer system. An uneven game will only last 8 minutes, I think both teams will like that while an even game, assuming that in an even game objectives can be completed within time only time will tell, the full time limit will be used.

What was the purpose of the article (which was written too fast)? The first months are the best months of a game. Keep the game fresh and exciting. Don't make it into Rtcw or ET because this is a different game based on a different engine but also don't be afraid of tweaking/altering things. Time will tell what things have to be changed but I already hear "but that's part of the game" or "that's how the developers intended it" comments. No one cares, no game is good out of the box. That's because it is impossible to tell how the game play will evolve. Which it will. Is there another purpose? Hell no I was just bored because I have too much time on my hands.

So, there you have my 122 cents.