TeK-9's victory in Dallas see's them crowned champions of the biggest prizepurse to ever hit Call of Duty and is the side's first major LAN victory, a side built from the ground up are a shining example to any would be multigaming clans.

For Belgium dfb it has been a case of pouring his blood, sweat and tears into the benelux organisation in the hope of creating a day like this. Back in Call of Duty 1, he founded the side perhaps not even dreaming of a moment like this. The team took their time in rising to the center stage, but became a formiddable force in the European scene for as long as they could hold their consistency.

When Call of Duty 2 dawned the name TeK-9 became a mainstay at the very pinnacle of the game, but they couldnt turn that into the one thing they'd always wanted, gold. The opening Call of Duty major, PlayZ LAN, saw an oldschool TeK-9 lineup look promising until they were undone by the one ingredient that they were missing, 'The X Factor' - The X factor coming at PlayZ in the shape of WHOCrew on Carentan. The match seemingly in the bag for the TeK-9, some vintage Sweden kickr and WHOcrew pulled themselves right back from the jaws of defeat to claim victory, in an epic encounter.

Next stop on the timeline for TeK-9 was the summer of 06, their home event the Outpost on Fire was more of a demonstration of dfb's ability as a manger, than theirs as a team. The event was closely contested by Dignitas and Speedlink, teams whom TeK-9 had never quite managed to topple in Call of Duty 1 under their former names.

Its at this point with a great of time and money invested into the TeK-9 project that for any manager you have wonder is it worth it? The TeK-9 Call of Duty Division went inactive and didnt attend CPC1 and dfb's seemingly brilliant talent spotting abilities in Quake went unappreciated as top duellers Netherlands forever and United States of America lostcauze left TeK-9. At this point it was going to take alot of rebuilding on the roster to get them to this glorious WSVG winning date.

However, TeK-9 with Jetset aswell as dfb (and others) had built a busy community site on their homepage and when their rosters looked thin, their hard work on the CoD community was a reminder never to give up. In CoD1 the side ran successful online tournaments, most notably their final one, won by Ocrana from dp - the match that gave birth to crow, their lan continued their tradition of being community orientated.

For many 'independent' teams there would have been a time to stop the work, stop the investment and concentrate on other projects, but fortunately for TeK-9 there wasnt. They picked up a great deal of the former check6 roster, who in Knaller and Sko had bags of X-Factor. They took third at Eurocup XIV and from their they built a roster that again took third and CPC2 after already winning milk lan and placing second at the shGopen. Their finest hour came in Dallas last night, where the rollercoaster hit its highest point, victory in a glorious battle against Pandemic.

From an outsider who has long looked in at TeK-9, having casted their cups, read their site and done interviews for their cinema project I can only say, congratulations on a job well done. TeK-9 and dfb are an example to be followed for any young budding multigaming teams and managers.


:: WSVG Dallas Results