Tonight's 4-2 win in favour of Germany marks the culmination of an ET-Cup "World Cup", fraught with controversy, opinion and flame. Now however, despite what one match admin may have you believe, we have the prospect of a 2nd final in store, with Germany booking their place in the previous match via the lower bracket route.

However, before we look ahead to that game, it is worth evaulating a game which saw Poland, a team many had marked as comfortable favourites, veritably clawed back by the German hulk, despite gaining an early 2-0 lead in the opening map, supply.

It was a clear situation of 'home' dominance, and Poland attacking first had spectators witnessing relentless speed and penetration, which Germany simply had no reply to. Their makeshift defense held no answer, and was quickly dismantled. Again, preparation and unity continued, as players and artillary alike combined with precision to strike true, especially with several Germans dieing to fullspawns. While glimpses of individual skill still rallied amongst the defenders, it was undoubtedly the teamwork and preparation which brought Poland the fast time, and by this stage for most people, the map was already theirs.

So now the game, and the final, was at something of a crossroads. Germany were destroyed on supply, and the pre-match predictions seemed true with only 1 map seperating Germany from defeat. Just looking at the teams, you had to feel Germany was that much weaker than not just Poland, but than previous NationsCup squads as well. No coffin, no senji, evil, biqq or urtier (the list goes on) were available here. While your dragos, your butchjis and your Hatreds were still undubitably present, so too was the periphery face of wEAK who too often found himself being overtaken in supply, the high-pinging snoop, and haZer, whose 3 man rifle kill on bremen was much more the exception than the rule.

Nevertheless, post-game, and Polish player buzka still believes they didn't underestimate the challenge. "They're all playing at an equal level in my opinion", he said.

Polish confidence at this point must have been brimming over. You've just demolished Germany on a 3-4 stage defensive map, you're playing in a team which has practically played together for all eternity. Only on this occasion, it was just this elation which began the Polish decline.

Such situations are hard to judge: dominating confidence can bring with it a number of side effects, such as relaxation and belief, however it also breeds complacency and a loss of focus. Bremen was for Germany a clean slate; a fresh beginning. It did not need to be said on ventrilo that the team had nothing to lose: every single player knew it inside. Whether Poland took its foot off the gas, or Germany seized the initiative is up for debate. One senses the root lies with the Poles, who despite a respectable time of just over two minutes on the first stage of attacking bremen, failed to convert this early superiority into a fast time. Instead, Germany were allowed a way back into the game, no less manifest than when they managed to blow the main gate in less than the time it took Poland.

What we saw in Germany's attack was a certain resurgance, and one which Poland could not find an answer for. Their early preconceptions of this German team were beginning to flag, and you sensed the tides were starting to change once Germany cajoled the truck home with time to spare. Certainly snoop seemed to be hinting at a favourable outcome on the decider map, goldrush, with a covert ":]" when Poland selected it in the knockout.

Regardless of the method, we now face the prospect of a second final, to decide who ultimately will walk away with the top place in this World Cup competition. wEAK has already disclosed his fears that Germany "don't stand a chance against Poland on supply", and so it seems that if Germany are to take a second victory, it too will have to come in 4-2 form. Poland however have been fed a fresh spoon of wake-up by tonight's events. Forget lack of commitment, you do not reach the latter stages of any competition with a view to not bother in the final.

It seems supply is safe turf for the Poles, giving Germany yet again the harder challenge. The question is, will lightning strike twice? Only if Poland allow it to.