Every week brings more and more busts and bans for cheaters who hacked on a public server. They're all being banned even if no one has ever heard of them. With ET being a free game it's very hard to trace the identity of ET players. Anyone with a good sense of technology can easily get their hands on a dynamic IP, which is very hard to trace for the Cheatbusters our scene knows today.

Now with a lot of unknown players being caught there is one group of people in ET with a very interesting position. The people active in their respective communities. Of course I'm talking about the Team Manager, Team Staff, Website administrators etc...

A lot of these people, like myself, are known in the community, though not for their excellent aiming skills, but solely for their work. What to do when one of these people is caught hacking, even if it was an old hack on a public a year ago...

The thing is that over the internet you can never tell if somebody is telling the truth, so if you find out that someone is cheating, though that person has recently changed his Nick, you can't tell if that person did that because he regretted his actions and was trying to clear his history, or that he did that because he was trying to cover up his trails.

Now the reason that I write this column is that today a manager of the respected Overload Clan has been banned from Clanbase, for a year, due to a PB Hack.

Belgium XajP, also known in the past as kIlla, is the General Manager and Founder of the Overload Clan. Now this brings me to the title of the column. Can you let a busted cheater run an organization, any organization. Next to being General Manager of Overload, XajP was also planning on co-running the EZBASH project, though is now removed from the project.

I think you can't. In my opinion you can't trust someone that has illegally tried to manipulate an Online Game in his favor, to run a community organization or project. Because these kind of people will always have an influence on others, certainly on younger players and users who will try a cheat faster than more experienced users.

The question left is; will the teams of Overload stay at the organization due to the fact that their Manager have been caught hacking, or will this not affect the relationship between Manager and Players? The decision is up to the players though I would like to say that a cheater is a cheater, this has been the policy of the ET scene for several years now and with this very same motivation, evolve's star player Netherlands perfo was also banned for a hack executed a few years ago...

I hope organizations in the ET Scene will be more careful with who they pick as their crew these days. You never know if it's a cheater who changed his name.

Shoutout to Netherlands Goliath for helping out with the bust.