Quakecon returns to the big stage once again and in Dallas this weekend the temperature will reach new highs as Quakewars debuts alongside Quake. Last year it was the team game that gave the 'con its memories and it’s now time for ET's bigger brother to follow in its footsteps!

Team games and Quakecon go together like a tightly packed economy flight and sumo wrestlers, you might have to work hard but the reward of getting where you want to go is well worth the effort. In 2002 Quakecon saw RTCW become the first non Quake game to take to Dallas and the resulting tournament was a green light for the city to become the Mecca of all Medics, Engineers, Field Ops and now Technicians, Aggressors and Constructors!

What could possibly beat iNfensus versus cK? Well the final of 2002 must certainly rank up there also however in 2003 a new crowd came to try their luck. GMPO set the tone with their movie about the qualifiers, has one sided rape ever looked so good? A strong contingent of Europeans headed over to Dallas once again and dominated the tournament. iNfensus were to come out on top that year, but the matches and the field of talent was exceptional, arguably the best Europe has ever sent over.

2004 saw Wolfenstein team games and Quakecon take a hiatus to the disappointment of many however in 2005, Enemy Territory came to Quakecon for its prized debut. Estonian power proved too hot to handle as the nation took first and third with only one American side coming close to the European muscle. In 2006 the game saw three European teams go across and they provided entertainment of biblical proportions, the Americans were nowhere to be seen in the prize positions.

However in 2007, the Europeans send just one side and they are far from favourites for the Quakecon crown. The playing field is new and the opposition are not only experienced but firm favourites to dismantle a team who's online form is has been undone by Swedish prowess twice in recent weeks. Dignitas, whose name is synonymous with both Battlefield and Enemy Territory head to Dallas knowing they face an uphill struggle to overturn the sides recent fortunes, however it’s not the winning that matters in Dallas, it’s the gaming. There are almost 2000 people at the event who couldn't care less who win the big bucks!

Quakecon is to gaming what 5-a-side is to Football, damned good fun. The event isn't run to become the greatest eSports event of the year, nor does it wish to compete with anyone. It is at Quakecon where the word 'community' really has a place in gaming. When I learned that Kevin Cloud of ID software and Paul Wedgewood of SplashDamage sat watching the ET action unfold last year, you truly appreciate that the event is run by fans who put on the biggest stage to watch their creation unfold.

That is true more so this year than ever. The Quake tournament is called Quad Damage, and no that’s not because its a TDM event but because there are ALL FOUR quake games on display in a unique tournament twist. Why do this? Well if they wanted a tournament only for eSports it would have been Quake 4 only and would have served as an accurate ranking of the scene, there are no other events within a few weeks either side of it. But that doesn't work for Quakecon, Quakecon is far more than just another eSports event, it is a community and its history as seen its owners call up fans to be proposed to on stage!

I'm not naive enough to think that the event isn't apart of a marketing budget and that when the TV cameras come they will be pointed straight at Quakewars and not the thrilling Quakeworld match that just finished. But lets face it, you've gotta be grateful that such a budget exists and its not another drop in the ocean of television advert costs.

Quakewars, Quad Damage and Quakecon, The letter Q has never been more attractive and this weekend the next chapter in Quakecons history will be written. If its anything like the previous ten chapters, it'll be better than Harry Potter!
Crossfire will be at Quakecon for the third year in a row to bring you the best of the action! Other coverage from the event will be provided by GGL in VOD format.


2006 Quakecon Review
Here comes Quakecon 06