A popular feature of coverage from the last CDC, here you can find a live listing from the event being updated by several admins. This will be a vidiprinter services of some scores and general small event updates throughout the event;


03:00 - finally finished only 10 hours behind schedule!
00:46 - "cZar where good, ferus was better" TosspoT, SRP take adler
01:06 - The teams are on the server warming up & the maps are decided: they'll be Adlernest & sw_goldrush_te
23:17 - cZar vs SRP is the final match of the night: with the tipsters placing cZar as clear favourites
22:55 - TosspoT just showed up at our corner asking us for the 20th time "How are we doing coverage team?"
22:49 - 118 won 4-0 over NecroRaisers
22:47 - <[o]> Raptor after dignitas bashed them on radar: "I was highest fragger so no problem"
22:38 - v&e beats GMPO on supply in a thrilling decider.
22:30 - Penn finally gives up trying to take pictures, having blinded a few players in the process
22:27 - 118 full hold NR on Bremen, NR prepare to attack
22:22 - sm0ke says NR are playing terribly on Bremen, though he's confident they'll take an easy win on Radar
22:17 - It took GMPO 6 minutes to get the flag on supply - super gifty got 2 defuses on the Main Gate
22:06 - v&e take Adlernest to force the first decider of the tournament
21:55 - GMPO just took Radar over a lackluster v&e, the second map of Adlernest is about to get underway
21:39 - Live video coverage is back, those techies work hard !
21:38 - Video coverage is currently experiencing technical difficulties, the techies are working hard and this should hopefully be fixed asap
21:25 - xRio finally gets the really cool images up on the main page replacing the previous ads to showcase the tournament
21:18 - tm Netherlands PLU majorly whines about the maps, requiring an admin to interfere and set them straight
21:13 - vae vs GMPO next on the live stream, hopefully within the next 15 minutes. 118 vs tm are also currently preparing, due to play live on ETTV.
21:10 - foonr & nellie got some really nice chips - awesome !
21:06 - dignitas won unpredictably over hardmethodgaming "They where lucky to get the flag on Bremen" so says frop
20:16 - Quote from Adacore "The adlernest defence fell apart due to SRP being a mixed team"
19:57 - Dramatic update: overload show a lack of faith in Netherlands ins, with mutterings of hacks and forfeit their match against TLR
19:54 - Cash is drafted in as a last minute merc for ins to play in the Overload team

Squall: (A hesitant) I don't know
Crossfire: And do you think it has anything to do with Adacore being in your lineup, rather than one of your regulars?
Squal: we where just warming up
Crossfire: So you just narrowly beat tm, why didn't you own them?

19:47 - Questions put to Finland Squall after their less than impressive perormance
19:43 - Are cracks appearing in the SRP performance as they only beat tm by 5 seonds on Adlernest. Are they really a serious contendor for the crown?
19:42 - Penn is out snapping pictures for the Crossfire Image gallery http://crossfire.nu/gallery
19:40 - SRP narrowly beat team massacre in a close run Adlernest match securing a 4:0 win
18:36 - Coverage has been terrible, we're working on it
16:15 - foonr cant take it anymore
16:14 - vinyl is looking particulary sexy today
15.40 - foonr fails to break nellie's laptop :(
15.23 - xRio arrives, hooray!
15:00 - nellie flukes a game of pool over foonr who now has to buy the drinks
14:15 - Match Starts - iHERO 0:4 n1ce
14:15 - Match Starts - ovr 4:0 dnb
1400 - Result - GMPO 4:0 Muse
1400 - Result - n1ce 4:0 dnb
1300 - Some matches getting underway
1200 - Teams arrive to setup and get themselves going
0800 - An early start to a very long day!