Fridays log here

00:55 - the poker tournament is running, the games are over for today
00:55 - after an exciting 3 mapper TLR beat dignitas
00:05 - roars aplenty as dignitas pull off an incredible comeback over TLR on goldrush
00:03 - nellie is trying, drunkenly, to chat up a less than averagely attractive girl at the bar. comedy at the highest level
23:00 - the McPoker tournament is going to start
23:00 - TLR and dignitae preparing for the winnerbracketfinal
23:00 - vae has been sent to the loserbracket by TLR
23:00 - GMPO has been knocked out by k1ck
10:55 - dignitas managed it to beat SRP
21:59 - Good news! We've arranged for some video interviews to take place thanks to QuadV and United Kingdom Oliver. Watch this space!
21:57 - nellie: "foonrs the only one doing any work here"
21:30 - the onsite Grolsch starts tasting worse than normal - we all blame a bad barrel.
20:23 - the crowds are gathering as TosspoT begins get another rollercoaster shoutcast
20:13 - Winghaven backs out of his interview citing bad language. Fasolka promises to make him talk.
(nellie and swine get lazy and forget about not just this log, but also xfire)
19:20 - Serious traffic jams for the BBQ sponsored by Qpad
19:04 - Jakazc to TosspoT: ''STOP TOUCHING ME!!"'
18:33 - foonr has accosted urtier & Winghaven
18:30 - GMPO set a time of little over 9 minutes on Radar, humm3l goes crazy
18:26 - foonr is on the prowl for interviewees
18:19 - TLR vs GMPO next up on the live stream
17:32 - the playoff brackets have just been drawn, check the main page for details !
17:31 - dignitas beat k1ck with 4-0
17:30 - TLR beat n1ce with 4-0
17:22 - TLR won Radar versus n1ce. Second map is bremen.
17:05 - Germany BoBel won against United Kingdom Bruns with 2-0
16:55 - SND is facing CoF
16:42 - BoBel is facing Bruns in the Warsow tournament now (1st Map wdm5)
16:12 - dignitas is geting ready for the fight against k1ck, Slovenia JaKaCz will play with his new Qpad
16:10 - cZar won against tm with 4-0
16:05 - TLR versus n1ce will start now
16:01 - kot BB*pwned EVERYONE
16:00 - k1ck won the decider versus Team <[o]>
15:45 - SRP beat 118 with 4-0
15:30 - Team <[o]> versus k1ck is going into a decider
14:00 - d&b won their first match agains iHero
13:30 - coverage is back after wzzrd lost their internet connection for an hour
11 30 - admins and teams are getting back into the swing of things already