image: etace

Just a few days after CDC3 and some days before the launch of ET:QW I just don't know how to see ET's future. Is the lately announced EC also ET's last one? Will cheaters eventually win after all? Face it, those annoying kiddies took away a lot of motivation and dedication from many of us. I'm happy some guys are still struggling hard and try to make the perfect gamemod. A mod with a strong private anti cheat code and a lot of new features and bug fixes.
Quote by quadET AntiCheat Effort, or ET-ACE for short, the part of xfire-project that tries to make our community cheater-free, is now in development phase. We have come up with a plan to do just that, and we're now working on it. I won't give you much, just a hint: etace will be a new mod, that will take on the feeling of etpro (and will have ettv), but it will be done in such a way that will stop all the cheats out there.

Last few weeks I tried to gather some information from Romania Quad and Croatia Chaplja. Both think it's possible to give those cheatmakers a hard time by providing clients regular updates. Ofcourse a lot will actually ask themselves, why the hell on earth is a famous cheatmaker helping some unknown Romania coders with this? Isn't this a bit too obscure or why the hell would you put the cat with the milk? Well, i won't say I know Chaplja for a long time but I had some chats with him in the past. I'm pretty sure he got good intentions by sharing his knowledge and he can help a lot on the coding part for this new mod.

While punkbuster updates every 3 months, the new ACE mod will probably overwhelm us with updates. A lot of updates are always the best way to keep cheatmakers busy. Take a look at those free online RPGames or gameguard protected games. No game has better security updates than those. I must admit, you can't prevent it but we can at least do the same like they did with us... taking away their motivation.

ETpro did a wonderfull job and changed the default ETmain mod into a fantastic competition mod. Some minor ETpro updates balanced the gameplay even more. But nowadays, the ETPRO team became a bit out of routine and left us with ETPRO 3.2.6 for more then a year now. That's why ET-ACE is looking for more suggestions and so needs input from some players. It would be nice to have some discussions over here about various things. Would you like a full custom-made HUD? Which bugs should be removed for sure and what is annoying you? Though, the main goal of the ET-ACE mod is to keep the ETPRO feeling but improve it by delivering a product which implement methods PB can't or never will (hey, ET is still a free game you know)

I know there was already some kinda discussion thread on the forums but it would be nice to have a 'to be fixed' and 'request' list, so the ET-ACE coders can mainly concentrate on things which are from great importance for the community and maybe the future of Enemy Territory. So please guys, give it your best shot and I hope we can have some nice discussions and requests over here.


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