I write this openly admitting my hours on Quakewars since release are quite low, I think this point is valid even if you're outside the competitive circuit. Is Quakewars being dismantled too early in its life?

The main motivation for writing this column came after reading a comment by a_qwer on the Dignitas ET:QW Cup news on ESReality;

QuoteI played the demo of ET:QW and had a blast... watched VoD's of the quakecon games and thought "This is an interesting mix of vehicles and infantry, I'd like to give this game a competitive shot." Now that I'm seeing these league rules coming out, it's like they decided to competitively play an entirely different game than the one that came out.

Is he right? Is there still a place for that mix in the game? Well if things are axed too quickly then certainly not and this column tackles the concept that making the wrong changes too early could have very bad consequences.

I had a conversation in the SplashDamage irc channel the other day and I felt like a black homosexual in the deep south of America. I learnt quickly that developers irc channels are only for fans of the developers vision of play, but one point was made very clear to me, this is no time for liberal thinking, Quakewars doesn’t have to be ET nor does it have to be Battlefield.

Some changes will be too hard to come back from, the moment the XP system was limited in ET it was inevitable that it would be removed. That was the right decision, but it was an easy one. I don’t think the decisions being made in Quakewars are quite as easy, and nor are they being given the time that the changes in ET were given.

I personally separate the debate into a two categories. Vehicles & Advantages, each one of them treads a fine line between enjoyable gameplay for competition and frustration.

You've all played or seen Valley, you've seen exactly how much of a stalement the game can become if left to its own devices. Why SplashDamage used Valley for the demo is beyond comprehension. However, one need only look at Area22 at Quakecon to see that also when left to its own devices and in its vanilla format the game can produce some great games and that mix can be fascinating.

There are these rulesets coming across which cover all the maps. So a ruleset that makes Valley a little better, doesn’t necessarily make Area22 better (or worse). In my opinion Valley should go the way of Fueldump in ET and never be heard from again once competitive consensus has arisen. When custom maps come into play and when the competitive map pool is complete, or narrowed down is a far better time to look at when to change things.

The potential for modding may change all MCP maps, increase the speed of the MCP or give it some magic beans to do its job from a mile away, regardless, making rules that are partially to benefit the MCP stages is naive when you look at what it costs you in other areas. And making changes today that may not be needed tomorrow are unlikely to get reversed.

In all I'm very loathed to make changes to the vehicles to make maps playable in competition, especially when the game is 10 days old. The maps that come from release need their own testing time, they need the chance to find ways to counter things that get in their way and vehicles may be the option. In my opinion vehicle limitations MUST be map dependant, how you execute that is a problem for the leagues to solve, but one rule that helps valley, doesn’t guarantee you success on other maps.

Taking away Radar means that your opponents cannot know where you are unless they see or hear you, how on earth could that be a bad thing? The logic behind that seems Vulcan in how obvious it is. You have a positioning advantage before your opponent does, for competition that’s wrong.

Red Triangles above your opponents is equally uncompetitive. I can’t see you, but I'm still tracking you through a bush. The moment this becomes an optional feature, the better.

Ammo Crates - The chain reaction from ammo crates is pure grenade spam and if you're on a map like Volcano it can be horrible. The Strogg already have a huge waiting time on their revive and having infinite nades from the ammo crates just makes their life harder and the first stage too easy to defend. It moves against the checks and balances of the class system, that is not always a major problem but on a map like Volcano its awful. Perhaps only making it an option for offence rather than defence would solve that problem.

There are very difficult decisions to be made, and whilst this article may see me play devils advocate in part for the purists it doesn’t mean that I think that’s the way the game should be in two months or so, I was heavily involved in working on XP limitations back in ET and I’m all for evolution. (I actually am very in favour of all of the advantages changes) However there’s no need to rush these decisions, there’s no need in the opening months of the game to make a wrong decision.

I leave you two questions with implied answers, if you shoot both answers down then the plea to wait on change is wrong, if not maybe tournaments should slow down the changes.

What was wrong with Area22 at Quakecon? Think back to whatever game you played competitively last, did any of the tournaments in the opening six months have any baring in the games hall of fame?