This column was originally posted on ESReality by Korea, Republic of Seomoon "DanishSnake" Park.

QuoteHas everyone gone stark raving mad? What is going on? Did Infinity Ward hire the CIA and with clandestine precision, inject every gamer on the planet with happy juice? Where did this latest fad of loving a game right out of the box suddenly spring from?

Its true, a game was released that actually works right out of the box. It’s a first for some time. We seem to have got used to the fact that developers can release shoddy, half finished, half coded, half hearted games and we won’t mind because we are used to having to download a patch on release day that breaks the half that wasn’t broken on release.

Don’t for a second think that Call of Duty 4 is perfect in every way, no game ever is, even after 20 patches (hello Electronic Arts), but Call of Duty 4 is a genuinely good game, right out of the box and for the most part, it works too. This seems to be something of a recurring dream too because Unreal Tournament 3 also works, out of the box. Again, it’s not perfect and yes the back end stuff is truly terrible, but the game, the weapons, the maps, they all work. Not only do these games work, but they are genuinely enjoyed by a wide variety of gamers from an even wider spectrum of gaming backgrounds.