image: bible-warning-labelWelcome to Pleasentville, a cute American town with white picket fences and good old fashioned American values. You are a young child walking along the street when the local priest walks past you on his way back from the Church fair, you were one of the very few families village who didnt go to the church fair and the priest comes over to you and asks how you are doing laddy? (yes hes irish) - You retort, Oh father forgive me for I have sinned. I did not come to the village fair and buy marshmallow squares. The priest takes you into the church and quotes from the bible

Quote by Loekino 12:10Its never too late to get involved

You run outside and rejoice, your sins have been repented. As you are rejoicing you skip into the road and get run over by an 18 wheel truck, and die with the regret that you never actually got involved, like the Panzerfaust who never shot his load. Fortunately an Axis medic came strolling along and revived you and just like that panzer, you have a second chance!!

The moral to the story is that theres alot more to be had from gaming if you want it. To any of those who have been to CDC or to any other LAN event for that matter and enjoyed yourself you'll understand that you enjoyed yourself because you got involved and put yourself out there, something that there is never enough of in gaming. Cast aside your indecision and do something for your community, and you could have a chapter in the bible too.

The reality of the matter is that for every one person doing something in gaming, there is still the need for five more people. It comes in all shapes and sizes, but the best example I use is that if I miss a Chelsea match I can quickly find a review of the performance. Well what if I wanted to find out how Dignitas were playing? What if I wanted to find out how TLR played 6 months ago in their match against -[101st]-? I cant, gaming can be as entertaining as anything you want to compare it to, but for it to evolve it must have the same amount of facets to it. Whether thats reviews, opinated columns, scouting reports, predictions, pro players analysis, there should always be something to do.

In Sport they'll pay you to do that, in gaming they wont. Thats the harsh reality of what we do, but its getting better. For the minutes of your day you gave up to do something, you enjoy a good outcome even more. I can tell you this for a fact, the hours I've put in over the years are all worth it now that I actually get paid for some of my shoutcasting and the reality of gaming paying my rent is no longer a far fetched concept.

Whilst there arent many getting paid, I can list you those who have originated from Crossfire and gone on to receive benefits from gaming, whether thats a salary like FlyingDJ or writing for prominent gaming sites like evan and bdy or whether its free trips to Denmark like Adacore and Lab or even a free trip to New York like Cash. You can get out from what you put in, however the darkside of it is, if people stop putting in then things turn sour and you become a Quake community.

Quake, one of the worlds greatest inventions has a community so twisted and sour they dont know whether they're alive or dead. The recent announcement that Quake 3 would be at ESWC is proof that they no longer know where their existance lies. On the other hand this community has achieved more than anyone would have given it credit it for 3 years ago, but thats still doesn't stop their being the potential for it to implode, so whether its running a cup, writing a newspost or busting a cheater, pull ya finger out this Christmas and make sure whatever game you still enjoy playing doesn't turn sour!