Here's something I've been savouring for a long while. This story goes beyond the time I became inactive, and has only reared its head thanks to a certain owner of this website causing me to think in things esports again. Before I bore you with a pointless introduction, I mean to state that I wish to talk about online content, and specifically those who write it.

For those of you who are perhaps newer to this site, or were lucky enough to not be around at the time of my 'contribute' phase, you may or may not know that in times not too recent gone I had something of a duty with this website. I still hold it deep within the United Kingdom Quag/Whitey vestiges of my heart, but I refer to a time before that of CDC3, a time when I remember being overjoyed at promotion to administrative duties on the pro-ET site. This was an age when I scoured the interwebs for scraps of news and gossip that I could proudly flag-tag on the main page, and bask in the glory on my name being proclaimed to the masses. I admit my friend mr alcohol is probably telling more of the story than I, but in short I was proud to write on xfire, and felt like I was delivering a service for which I had been duly rewarded.

Now times change, and unfortunately, I seldom frequent this portal anywhere near as much as I used to, with any cookie update coming thanks to a journal which is probably related in some way to Hungary Trevize's use of the site. But it raises an interesting point, and one that can be seen manifest in the latest v&e newspost. You may remember our very own German-man Germany swine posting ream after ream of VAE news for you ungrateful people, who read and disgarded with varing degrees of flame or lack of care. This is beside the point you understand! The point I am attempting to make is that there is no more swineposts, and this is a long trend that has extended far beyond the desperate clutches of 2000 and eight.

Some time ago I wrote a column that I never published about writers on internet sites being an unsustainable breed. I regret having conducted a search of my computers cupboards that I seem to have deleted the text file, but I remember referencing writers on xfire (version1!) who used to contribute one impressively large amount of content, but who have since moved on to other areas. In a way this can be an explaination for the question, why should online journalism be so short lived? People move on, travel different avenues in life, and generally discover other activities aside straddling their beloved fan-cooled box every night. Yet deeper, there is also an inbuilt banality.

In black and white terms, you have web 2.0 (xfire) and you have employers (SK-gaming [for reference]). I hate the web2 term, but I refer to it as a way of saying the contribute site, what they/we/(I) would claim as 'free to air views website'. There have been admin-written newsposts on crossfire in the past that appeal to budding writers to simple hit their contribute button and they will, effectively, be guaranteed a place in whatever fantasy they desire. Then you have the employers, who look for quality and reward it. I only refer to SK because of a conversation I had a long time ago that I vaguely remember.

My point though is simple. Yes, you have your swines and I say without arrogance your foonrs who write for the love of it and provide content and analysis because it pleases them, but ultimately, the affection always wanes. I wish I could remember my writer research but sadly it fails me. But assertively, I can say that anyone who writes news, previews, predictions and so on online for the love of will, at the end of the day, find their interest fades, and they move on to other things. The industry, in effect, offers little incentive to stay working within it.

At this late stage I must stress that I was far more lucky than most. My involvement with this site has taken me to not only Enschede, but also Poznan and Rotterdam, for which I am eternally grateful. But the same cannot be said for those who are enticed into a project with little light at the end of the promised tunnel. My point in writing this column is to highlight the shame of the state of the free-to-air, free-to-provide online industry. It isn't Crossfire's failure, and I would go so far as to say the openness this type of system is, in its opposite form, a strength. But until there is a real sense of business, until people feel real incentive to provide their well-articulated articles in the long term, quality and consistancy will continue to have to renew itself within short spaces of time. With gaming seemingly going the ever-more professional route, I will find it interesting to see if online journalism follows the same path.