Last week I watched the Royal Rumble, the first time I’ve watched anything Wrestling based since I was 15 or so. Wrestling is homoerotic crap, half naked, sweaty men running around touching each other, not even hitting one another and yet it’s an international multimillion dollar scripted phenomenon.

The Undertaker and Shaun Michaels started the fight as entrants number 1 and 2, this was great, two people from my ‘generation’ of wrestlers. A load of no names came in and annoyed me, but then ‘OH MY GOD’ Kane came in and started clearing house! It was pure entertainment, suddenly at number 29 The Game (HHH to us oldschoolers) entered to a mass eruption from the crowd and I’m sat there actually excited by his entrance. However, the last man, number 30, was John Cena, can you believe it??? I had no idea who he was, but I was damned excited. The Game inparticular and Batista also, couldn’t believe that John Cena was back from torn pectoral muscle, and even though I’d never heard of him, I was just as shocked! The entrance, the crowd, the commentators, the wrestlers reaction it was great entertainment. So what if its scripted homo-erotica, it had me gripped!

To a lesser extent I don’t mind watching Poker either, mainly just the World Series, because in the same mentality the characters are immense. This time, they’re not perfect specimens battling/acting out a script, they are people from all walks of life often complete social rejects playing cards. But again, with good characters and some clever work in building tension, you can easily get into it.

So why can’t the formula be replicated for gaming?

Competition is brilliant thing however it’s the players that count, not the sport. Hatton vs Mayweather, what a fight! Not because I like boxing but because the story in literary terms had every form of binary opposition you could ask for, I probably wont watch another boxing match for years but I’m glad I saw that one. The same could be said of the Rugby World Cup final, it was epic! The underdog British bidding for glory against the favourites and old enemy the French, what a story and what a match, I’ve not watched another rugby match since, probably because the characters from that story have retired.

I’m of the opinion that 99% of the time the sport is not key to success, but the narrative. The same can be done in gaming, as it could be done in almost any other form of competition but there aren’t any characters in our narrative. Gamers are afraid of the camera, they shy away from it when actually they should be screaming, LOOK AT ME! Giving the audience someone to love or hate. It could be CounterStrike, it could be Quake it could be WoW, ET, CoD it doesn’t matter as there has to be a rivalry, there have to be personalities and it has to be convincing!

Right now though, we’ve no personalities and even if we did we’ve nobody to build them and then there are limited opportunities for them to perform. However when Vince McMahon gets bored of wrestling, I guarantee he could make a success of gaming. If people will watch homo-erotica, or people will watch cards being thrown down then they’ll watch gamers – the constant between the three is competition and characters, not sport and not social context.