Beforehand I want to apologise for my poor english skills and for involving Team Germany (butchji) into this matter.

Here is a some sort of timescale about some of the events during this conflict:

21. January 2008

Finland Team Finland gets a yellow card after the game versus Czech Republic Czech due to torspo playing under nick “korak”. Right after the match DoneX approaches me on IRC telling about the yellow card. During or before the game the admin hadn’t mentioned to torspo to change his nick to match the nick on ClanBase. Although we thought it was kinda ridiculous to get the yellow card for that, we decided to just accept it and move on.

27. January 2008

Germany Germany plays against Spain Spain. Butchji uses nick “_____ji” during the whole game.

28. January 2008

I message both DoneX and Bartichello on IRC to ask for their opinions about the nick, which butchji was using on their previous game. DoneX doesn’t respond, Bartichello says that he will check the replay of the game.

30. January 2008

I haven’t heard anything about the conclusion so I decide to approach our supervisor (Bartichello) with CB’s own private message system. I ask if they are going to give out a yellow card for Germany or atleast to clear out the rule about what sort of nick is recognizable enough and which isn’t. I again want to make it clear that this wasn’t any attack against Germany and I would have done the same thing against any other country. I just want to be sure that same rules apply to everyone. Later during the same day Bartichello answers to my pm on CB and states on his answer that they aren’t going to give out a yellow card for germany, because “everyone knew who he was”. In the end of the message he also points out that yellow cards don’t play such big role in the tournament and tells me to just move on.

I decide to approach him again to ask whether all the players now have his permission to play under nicks that only got two common letters with the CB nick. I also ask if Squall for example could play under nick “____ll” and so on. Would it be fun for the shoutcasters if our whole team had nicks like “____xx”? I know that this is pretty childish and naive, but I just want everyone to get the same treatment. I never got any answer for this message.

31. January 2008

I message Bartichello in IRC to ask about this matter once again. The answer is that you can play with whatever nick you want as long as it stays recognizable. He tells me that in butchji’s case it was so. Now in my opinion “recognizable” is a term that depends on the point of view. Of course majority of people knew who this mysterious “_____ji” was, but what about those ETTV viewers who are not as “inside the scene” as we are? When I ask about this he states: “the rule stater recognisable to suprevisors and admins. the audience isn't included”. After hearing that I start to search the ClanBase Nations Cup rules ( to find this rule, but I can’t seem to find it. I ask Bartichello to name the paragraph of the rules where it says so or just to paste it for me. He can’t find the rule either, but he says something about some Euro Cup rules. Then he says that DoneX should know where it is, but that he is offline right now. He tells me to get back to him tomorrow. I couldn’t wait so long so I sent pm via CB to DoneX to ask him about the rule. I never got any answer for this message either.

1. February 2008

Nothing new. He says that he will be looking for it.

3. February 2008

Bartichello tells me that DoneX is going to “talk to the chiefs”.

It’s 13th of February now and I havent heard a word since. I dont know how long this matter can take to be solved, but it feels like I’m not going to get any answer at all. Are they hoping that I will forget this and move on? I don’t know, but to me it feels like I can’t trust these guys anymore. I have always tought that the supervisors are there to solve the problems in cups and make the rules clear for everyone. Now the rules have been nothing but clear to me atleast. I find it amusing how DoneX never answered to the messages I send via CB’s OWN message system. You might think that it should be the most certain way to get in touch with the supervisors.

So what am I trying to achive with all this? I bet most of you think that I’m just a pathetic little whiner who should be burned in hell. I myself find this rather amusing. I have always had my trust in CB with their professional behavior, but this is making me to change my opinion. It has already taken far too long time to get no answer at all in this matter, which should be very clear. If you read those rules I bet you can’t find a rule stating which nick is recognizable enough. They have major flaw in their rules and they should fix it. Meanwhile they should treat everyone in the same way, which means to either remove our yellow card or give Germany one. I want CB to step forward and fix this problem like it is expected from them. I hope that I haven’t hurt anyone’s feelings and that CB is not going to punish Team Finland for MY opinions. I’m taking the responsibility for this writing alone. I also want to once more apologise to Germany and butchji for involving you into this.
