With New Project dominating the ET LAN scene for a succession of events, it’s hard to see anyone being able to topple these giants from the top spot. With the perfect balance of natural talent, graft and team play, there’s a reason the reigning CDC champions have done so well. These facts make it have made it increasingly hard to see a serious contender stepping up to the plate and giving New Project a real run for their money.

Previous events have seen dream teams come and go such as SRP, trying to snatch at the coveted crown. Alas, all that seems to have happened is that NP has solidified their dominance within the LAN scene even more and can hardly contain their rightly earned confidence.

Ironically enough, could NP’s Achilles heel come in the form of their previous multi-gaming organisation?

Looking at TLR, there is hope for all budding ET spectators. With legendry talents such as Estonia Night and Sweden feruS, combined with proven counterparts England Sheep, Finland Iron, Finland Matias and Malta toxic, this could finally be a genuine rival for NP’s title.

The heritage is there, the leadership is there and certainly, the talent is there. All the right ingredients to become champion. Could we at last, have a true nemesis for NP to contend with?

What could hold TLR back? Well, apart from “enjoying” the event a little too much, TLR have to maintain a leadership structure. Looking at the TLR team on paper, the one thing that’s out above all others, is the fact that the team has a number of natural leaders. How will these players cope with being subservient, considering they are used to handling the reigns of countless top teams?

It’s only inevitable that natural born leaders want to have their own input into the running of a team, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing however, there’s an incredibly thin line between constructive team input and power struggles to be named “Squad leader”. You could say that I have no right commenting on such things but please, this question must be on the minds of so many avid ET fans, along with rivals for the CDC event.

The thing in my mind that gives TLR a real chance, is one man. England Sheep.

Apologies for calling England Sheep a thing, that’s not really warranted however what is warranted, is giving him the accolade of TLR’s MVP. Now before you get on your high horses and heckle me into the brink, hear me out. Besides good team play and great ET knowledge, the one thing England Sheep has in abundance is enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is what keeps people playing ET after all these years and more importantly, keeps teams practicing to reach the promise land called victory. It’s infectious, contagious and more significantly, it’s the one thing that sets apart many teams these days in the ET community.

If TLR can banish their inner demons, there is hope for an upset. With England Sheep at the helm leading these top class players, we could be crowning a new CDC champion in a couple of weeks. If not, I’m afraid we could just see another heart sinking display from what looked like a genuine heavy weight challenger.

To get a little perspective on the TLR situation, I thought I would ask Latvia Clown about TLR’s chances at the LAN. As reigning CDC champion, is there a better person to ask?

Scotland Pedro : What do you make of this TLR.et team then? Do we finally have a true contender for the CDC crown?

Latvia Clown : Well, they have good players, who have been through different teams and cups, so I think they are a legit contender for the CDC4 title.

Scotland Pedro : All the players in TLR have competed in one form or another at the CDC event, in various teams. What will make the difference compared to previous teams such as SRP or vae?

Latvia Clown : The mix. In all the previous teams of TLR players they have had their weak sides. This time I don’t see what could possibly be their weak link. The only thing I’m surprised is how Night works in their roster, since he likes to rifle on some maps and on some maps not.

All there’s really left to say is good luck towards TLR. Hopefully they’ve locked away their gremlins and put in the hours of practice needed!