So as i do every Friday when I'm only school for the morning i will go to town, get some lunch and catch the bus home. Today was no different, i went into WHSmiths grabbed a BLT and a bottle of water. As i passed the magazines i saw a recent edition of PC Gamer and seeing as i had just received my pay slip i thought i'd treat myself and catch up on the world of gaming. In a half attentative daze i looked at the magazine, read the front cover and found it appealing and therefore went to the till to buy it.

*BLT* - 1.69
*Water* 0.99
*PC Gamer* 5.99 **ID Required*** (paraphrased)

"You got ID mate?"


"ID for what", i replied and to my absolute amazement he wanted it for PC Gamer. Oh Em Freeking Gee !! Being a youth for one of a better term i lack the ability to qualify for popular versions of ID such as a driving liscence or a bus pass, however it wouldnt have mattered seeing as the d.o.b on my ID would have proven to make me under 18, unless the clerk was a complete sloth and failed GCSE math.

Honestly though, 18 to buy PC Gamer ?! It's on the bottom shelf next to Yu Gi OH and Pokemon! magazines, not on the 'top shelf' with more flaunting magazines such as Playboy for example.

So in my complete annoyance i chose a substitute which happened to be this weeks edition of Kerrang!, not a bad magazine by any means but still...

Nevertheless over a BLT sandwich i read how Simple Plan found inspiration for their songs, how SUM41 are coming to the UK etc etc , and THEN in context which escapes me a read an interview where there were no absence of 'blue language' (swearing).

So let me get this straight, i as a 'minor' can buy a magazine with rock stars telling people to...F this and F that, yet i cannot buy a magazing full of CGI'd images replicating that of a fictional war against space dinosaurs (Turok)

Oh dear !

Annoyed <--- ("(>_<)")

Oh also one final note, PC Gamer and Total PC Gaming are both 18's, yet Xbox gamer and PSM3 are 15's !?!?!?


Livid to say the least.