Well, what can we really say about Dignitas’ Quake Wars team? So far in the short time we’ve had a competitive Quake Wars scene, Dignitas has been the driving force in the community and the one team to beat above all others. Some have come close, yet have never really had the capabilities of achieving what this outfit has done. Quakecon, the Crossfire QCUP, the Clanbase OpenCup and more recently the Packard Bell EU Open, you name it and these guys have won it.

On paper, the background of this team is simply frightening. All are proven LAN attendees in a variety of games, all have been at the top one time or another. Back were many of these players rightfully belong, it’s daunting to see anyone being able to even touch these comrades in arms.

We all know about Dignitas players Slovenia JaKaZc, Germany senji and Estonia RELOAd. The qualities these guys bring to the team are all widely known by the ET community but the one major thing Dignitas has managed to achieve, is to incorporate players with more experience in vehicle based games into the crew. Both Denmark huggo and Belgium bjorn have extensive BF experience, which just boosts this team even further. When Quake Wars was released, many pundits forecast, that the teams who could incorporate players from different backgrounds, would achieve the most in the game. Dignitas have clearly excelled in this area.

Gelling together in such a short time, the initial stages of the Quake Wars scene were incredibly competitive. Ever since Dignitas won Quakecon however, the team has grown so much in confidence and has improved exponentially. That initial win, was clearly the platform for this skilful team to launch itself from.

The only real hope many teams may have against this formidable outfit, relate to the recent changes within the Quake Wars community. It’s a long shot but the top teams have to hope Dignitas have a bad tournament in the early stages, which would in turn, hopefully rumble confidence in the ranks. The changes to promod combined with the LAN settings, could achieve this giving other teams such as 4K, epsilon and Speedlink a window of opportunity in which to expose flaws in the Dignitas outfit.

I caught up with England Hentai to get his views on how any of Dignitas’ competition had what it takes, to win the CDC4 tournament.

Scotland Pedro : How do you think Dignitas will fair at CDC4?

England Hentai : Well, I can tell you one thing, their vehicles will be weaker on LAN. Huggo can’t abuse tape. Some tankers use tape as a crosshair when in third person mode, to act as a surrogate crosshair. Huggo won’t be allowed to do that on LAN, so it will be interesting to see what impact this has on the team, if any at all. However, dignitas do have much more LAN experience as a team than any other ETQW team attending, going back to quakecon, so this will clearly give them a strong advantage.

Scotland Pedro : Who do you think is their main competition?

England Hentai : I think 4K and epsilon are dignitas’s main competition. 4K’s tanker doesn’t use tape, though i’m not entirely sure whether or not epsilon’s does. This means 4K will likely be winning on vehicles on LAN. Infantry could go anyway at the event, since promod changed the shooting a lot. Also it’s LAN and ET:QW has some what poor antilag, so ping difference will be a big benefit/loss for some, though I’m not sure who. It could generally go any way for those three teams. Whilst antilag and taping are of course not the only reasons that dignitas win, the change may be what sways one team over dignitas, though who it will be we can’t be sure.

Well, there you go. These facts could bring promise and hope too many of the teams attending CDC4, as there are clearly a number of factors which could influence the final outcome of the event. As an impartial bystander, it’s obvious to someone such as myself, that this tournament is Dignitas’ to loose. There’s no question who holds the favourites tag but this is a LAN and anything can and probably will happen. If teams such as Epsilon, 4kings and Speedlink can exploit these apparent chinks in the Dignitas armour, then we could have one hell of a fight on our hands.