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Dear gamers and gamelovers,

As we all know cheaters are one of the biggest problems in the online-gaming scene. They make people dislike the game, they give the game a bad reputation and they are just plain annoying.

The current Clanbase anticheat-policy isn't working well enough. Dodraug and me had a little discussion at IRC, and we decided that it's time that some work is done. With Bulld0g leaving the ET-anticheat scene, there are some new measurements required to counter the increasing amount of cheaters playing in competitive ladders. This doesn't only count for ET, but also for the other games, although it's obvious that ET has the highest amount of cheaters compared to any other game.

In our opinion, the best way to counter cheaters is by making the PBbans-system a part of the Clanbase-system. If you intergrate the database into Clanbase, the system will be foolproof. Also there should be a limitation on the changability of your guid at Clanbase. Servers also should be forced to run a PBbans stream.

The only remaining problems will be the people who get falsely accused/busted, although similar cases currently happen. For this to be solved, a good ticket-system should be intergrated into Clanbase, so that if people would have questions/complaints, we receive an e-mail. This would make it easier for both sides, since miscommunications can be excluded by making people fill in a form.

Any other ideas are welcome, you can just pm us at crossfire, or contact any of us at

Yours sincerely,

Team Cheatbusters

image: cheatbustersaa6