Dear readers of Crossfire,

in this column I will try to x-ray the actual competetive situation of our beloved Enemy Territory from different point of views and with particular attention on the two big leagues CB & ESL.

image: clanbase_whiteimage: eslrb7

These days we often hear phrases like
QuoteET is dead!! Go play ETQW or Cod4

or simply the voices of the seemly endless number of gamers which have been defeated in a funwar and try to make a bust out of some random suspicious scene that everybody has atleast twice in his ET career. Ofcourse I dont want to say there are no cheaters in our community. Actually there are alot and recently the topic bothers many people here on crossfire and we see colums like Save ET and Clanbase Anti-Cheat Policy which I have to admit inspired me to write this column.

As I mentioned above I wanted to talk about Clanbase and the ESL because they make the major decisions , together with Crossfire which I dont list here because it is no league itself. E.g. a player will not be allowed to play on 1day cups or the CDC when he is banned at CB.

Now what is my point in writing this column? Well, the main arguments that came up in the recent discussion about anti-cheat movements and how to clear our community off cheaters were, besides new PB updates (which wont happen) or an anti cheat mod (#et-ace) that is in development and will not be ready in the nearer future, to use some kind of registration system to identify the players so IF they get busted somehow they can not come back that easy by just getting a new PBGuid and generate a new ETpro Guid. Plus paying for the competition to play in it and either get it back after several seasons while not getting busted or making it the prizemoney of the competition. So the problem in these improvements for ETs competitionscene is that there is no reliable person/organisation that has the facilities to organise such an enormous amount of registrations , money etc.

And here comes my idea into play (or soon) ;).
As we have to face the situation that we will not get a new anti cheat tool in the nearer future and also will not be able to build up a completely new competition league out of nothing that can face the established position of Clanbase and ESL I think that we should use the given possibilities as much as we can and maybe also increase them by simply contributing them by being active.
Clanbase ofcourse is the BIG league in Enemy Territory , it has alot more signups for its Opencup series than ESL can show up for its series, but we have to face the fact that Clanbase is not investing any money or prizes for ET at all while the ESL e.g. announced to give 1000€ to ETs Major Series. Ofcourse it is not all about the money but many of you see competition = money and prizes and to come back to the ideas listed above to have some kind of registration system and paying for the league to play we do find these at the ESL with the Trusted levels and the Premium accounts. So what I want to say is that I think that we could try to get the ESL to host future series like the Major Series for ET , maybe also with the participation condition to have trusted levels and a premium account (for the upcoming EMS you do NOT need any trusted level or premium account).
All we need to do is giving back an activity as we can see in every incarnation of the Clanbase Opencups so that we will see various National Qualifiers for the ESL Major Series and a great activity in this Cup so that they can see that we actually care about the ESL and it is an good investment to give us prestige leagues and series like the Major Series or maybe another Amateur Series .

The majority of the people who will comment to this column will likely write something like
QuoteESL sucks anyway
Quoteclanbase > ESL

and I do not want to dictate my opinion to them BUT I want them to think about where is the problem to support both leagues.
This was not thought to be an pro ESL column, eventhough my main point in writing this is to convince you of the fact that you should get active in the ESL and sign up / play the EMS because it can NOT be a bad thing for our community and the competetive scene to have more cups , more prizemoney and more activity in more than one league. But ofcourse you should not stop playing clanbase... just do both ;p

What I totaly forgot to mention and do not want to paste into my oh so fluently written text (;>) is to give this link to the ESL Major Series and to state that only 23 teams have signed up so far , what really is too low for an offer of 1000€ for our Enemy Territory.

Thanks for your time and I hope that this is somehow understandable as it is my second column at all and I do not think that my english is teh uberbest :).

Related Links:
- ESL Major Series News
- ESL Major Series Signup
- Clanbase (;>)
- my profile for more hits <3 + #eiMer for my personal fanbase