[img|left]http://www.xraygaming.com/forums/images/xray/logo.png[/img] It's that it's MEGA EASY to bypass anti cheat software, if you take a quick look at the responses to the announcement of X-RaY's introduction to ET here about half the early commenter's seem to have something negative to say.

Well since we're all experts in anti cheat technology now, lets take a minute to think about this new software may take us, and indeed where we are coming from.

How long have people been complaining about the lacklustre protection offered by Punk Buster?

How many of you instantly jumped on the DROP PB bandwagon as soon as it got exploited by cheaters?

So when offered a possible alternative, is it a shock that so many people instantly look at it sceptically?

image: pblogoon1Perhaps not, if you look at the track record of PB in W:ET you'll see that it's not really been doing a great job in the last years, and its mainly due to efforts by the cheat busters rather than software detections that any cheaters have been removed from competition. No wonder people are disillusioned with AC software.

Maybe active detection software isn't the way forward but looking at the XAC system, it gathers everyone in a single location, and keeps a database of all screenshots on a single site, surely this is going to be useful for the cheatbusters?

So please.

See this as an opportunity!

Lets do everything we can for the next few weeks to make the best product out of XAC that we can, that means giving them constructive feedback, submitting cheat codes, giving suggestions for features and pointing out any short comings the system may currently have.

Here's what I suggest, go over to their website, and register, show them that we welcome their software and will support them if they are willing to support us!

Ofcourse, at the end of the day, if it sucks, there's nothing to stop us dropping it again right?

And don't forget to install the software :]
QuoteAustria rapture: give it a try u fools.

Linux users, the first thing on your agenda should be bugging them for nix support!
I'm not even running linux but Ive taken the liberty of asking about linux support on their forum on your behalf, all you have to do is show that you want to be able to use this software too..