With 3000 Euros up for grabs for me the top 3 teams are fairly easy to spot, however to pick a winner from them is a bit harder with results between the teams not really setting anyone apart.

image: acer_banner

Teams & Rosters
Netherlands svo
Netherlands roman
Netherlands mofje
Netherlands Pietje
Netherlands toxjee

France vazy
France gus
France rukkae
Switzerland raigeki21
France xandeR

Sample This]
Netherlands JRaven
Netherlands Xtctje
Netherlands samplefatal
Netherlands lotrtrotk4
Netherlands ImpreZ
Netherlands deoreh

Serious Gaming]
Netherlands supremej
Netherlands nutec
Netherlands dMzem
Netherlands r1k
Netherlands solz

Europe ctx gaming
Netherlands KinghtS*Rotterdam
Anonymous Devil Heart
Benelux Core89
Netherlands DOK Gaming
Netherlands KaoS Contingency
Netherlands codehook

1st - Netherlands KomaCrew - A Very hard one to pick here, namely because they recently lost to France H2k-Gaming 25-22 in the Clanbase EuroCup WB Semi-Finals. However with some very impressive online results leading to victory in the CODQCUP Final over Czech Republic eSuba and the chance to play on LAN together. I think their chances of winning are very high provided they don't over indulge in the legalities of Holland.

2nd - France H2K Gaming - Again a tough one to call but I feel they will be the finalists alongside Netherlands KomaCrew. They will be facing Europe Dignitas thursday so they could well be entering the tournament as the Clanbase EuroCup XVII Finalists. Despite their recent online success they have been a bit up and down with results, losing to France Redline in the french cup and going out fairly early in the CODQCUP. Also France Anubiis departure to France oXmoze won't help despite the fact he has been their 6th for a while, I always felt he was one of their better players.

3rd - Netherlands Sample This - They've been nearly but not quite's for a few months now. With some great results against good teams but never quite managed to topple the great teams. For example, they had a great run in the CODQCUP but then just fell short in a fantastic match against Czech Republic eSuba. Then again in the Clanbase EuroCup they had another great run of results but fell short once again to Czech Republic eSuba 28-26 and then slipped out completely against Germany Speed-Link 25-18 despite beating them in the group stages. With both Netherlands KomaCrew and France H2K Gaming having took on and defeated some of the great teams I believe this is why they will not quite reach the final. However, I Hope I am wrong.

4th - Netherlands Serious Gaming - You have to look a long way back to find a top result from Serious Gaming. A Once strong team in Call of Duty they are desperatly lacking the ability to finish off top teams. However they may well bring it together for the lan and grab at least some of the prize money.

5th - 11th - Lottery Time. Frankly I couldn't call who will finish in this area, I suspect Europe ctx would be the most likely to grab 5th place but from there on in it's really a case of who shines on the day.