Well, I put the question to you. What is in fact worse than a cheater? If you’re pedantic and take the question out of context, there are a lot of things worse than a cheater. Rapists, arsonists, murderers all in my mind are worse than cheaters and I’m pretty sure most of you would agree. So let’s reel this in a bit.

I am of course talking about recent events in the somewhat body-blown world that is online ET. Now, many of you may ask what’s the point of this column? Do we really need someone else pointing out the flaws of the scene? We’re all well aware of the downfalls in this game and more importantly, our community. There’s no need to pour salt into the wounds. To be frank with you however, I’ve really needed to get something off of my chest.

Going back to my question, I’ve been itching to get this out in the open. Even if it falls on deaf ears, my mind will be at least resolved in some manner. Let me give you a glimpse into my mindset.

We know ET is writhe with cheaters, that’s nothing new. It has been like this for quite some time and even the best efforts from some mainstays in our community has not been enough to completely thwart the online cheating fiasco. I do realize the problem is greatly exaggerated and in fact, the scene itself if partially to blame for it’s own demise.

Anyway, back to my lingering point. The cheaters are there, we know who they are and in fact, it’s pretty easy to boycott anyone who is found to be breaking the rules. That’s easy. We all can play a part in shutting these people out with fantastic conviction with lasting results. It’s been shown in the past and hopefully, that vein will continue to reap rewards.

However, I’ve not really answered my question. All I have done is raise a new one. If cheaters are so easy to apprehend in our tight knit community, then are they really that bad? Don’t get me wrong, they are clearly lonely neglected people, who crave notoriety of some sort and daddy probably shouldn’t have tucked them in so hard at night but when it boils down to it, do we really hate them or do we just feel a significant amount of sympathy for them?

Right, ok, so if cheaters aren’t as bad as we say they are, what’s “worse” than a cheater? You may cry “Pedro good sir! What about the wretched monsters who fathom these online monstrosities? “ well, let’s look at them as well.

Now yes, the people who code these cheats clearly have a screw loose somewhere in the itinerary as well but at the end of the day, are they just meeting a public demand? If you have the ability to code and distribute such advanced software, what better way to fund yourself through school, than to spend time at your computer coding? If you’re studying Computer Science at some advanced level, coding such things wouldn’t require an insane amount of time or intellectual competence to achieve a working, practical product.

Can we really blame these people for exploiting a lucrative market to advance their place in life? We could but as we’ve seen before, if you oust one coder another one will take his place. It’s like Scotland Highlander all over again.

Ok then, this has really gone beyond a joke. All I’ve done is raise more and more questions while at the same time, I’ve defended those so many people who we would look to hoist up on a large stick and burn them in to the ground.

So we’ve let those pesky cheaters away with murder and those coders have raped and pillaged their way through many a daddies wallet, what could be worse than those?

Well, we are. Whether it be the players who play with these cheaters or the mass hysteria surrounding the accused at hand, we are our own worst enemy.

Like I mentioned above, are the coders and cheaters a like really that bad? We have shown in the past these players can be banished from our community and we’ve shown we can triumph against the coders, why do we continue to shoot ourselves in the foot?

Let’s take two examples at hand. Two players, Poland gnajda and Austria keNta, both with somewhat similar situations. Both when they played for two semi-respected teams in the ET scene, had a rise of fortune through the ranks to play for Poland FF and Germany kojak respectively. Both clearly had some dodgy shenanigans underway, however, two stories with two very different outcomes.

After masses of community disapproval and countless posted demos, keNta was poised on the plank, ready to go. There’s no way his team could overcome the pressure, so a decision had to be made. With a dilemma at hand, they had one of two choices. Defend their team-mate and somehow ignore the community or to kick him from the team. The hard choice was made, he had to go. With keNta kicked he was exposed for the true cheater he was and a valuable lesson was learned for everyone! Or was it?

Second example. gnajda. A mirror image of keNta’s story, the only difference so far in the comparison is the fact gnajda managed to make it so much further before he was stopped. Again, countless demos and community pressure, something had to be done. It was down to his team again, what would they do? Sadly, here’s where the stories differ. His team protected him against the face of adversity. Through thick and thin they where amigos, hombres, brothers at arms and just look what happened.

Such an insignificant minority could protect this player for such a long time, almost allowing FF to get a shot at EC glory. True, you could argue my comparisons are a little over the top. It’s a far fetched notion to say that kojak could have reached the EC final if they hadn’t kicked keNta, but who would have guessed FF could have done just that. I for one wouldn’t have, that’s for sure.

So finally, what’s worse than a cheater? The people who support them. The really sad part is that most of them are decent, honest players, who have made the wrong decision but just have a look at the consequences of that decision. It’s simply frightening.

We’ve gone over the mindset of a cheater and even someone who creates the cheat but these people are in my mind, simply the worst of all.

If we continue to support and uphold the guilty culprits, we will simply self-implode without the cheaters or coders batting an eye lid or overcoming themselves to notions of victory or glory. Just take a look at how much damage the whole gnajda incident could have caused, if it had continued without intervention.

The people who condone these acts are the ones that will destroy our community, not the directly guilty people who break the rules.