Dear CB,

I've been playing your leagues ever since I started gaming. I enjoyed your leagues for years now and its the only competition I still play since most of ET competition is dead. Recently however a lot of strange rules and decision have been made. CB still has a lot of influence in ET, but you're loosing ground fast. Here is a list of things that are on a lot of ETplayer' minds:
  • PB Screenshots
    Fix the ridiculous big size. Keep the Punkbuster screenshots like they always were. I know bigger screenshots increase the chances of busting cheaters but which known player ever got busted with pbss? United Kingdom razz, but you'd still be able to see the rivatune, no matter how low the resolution of the screenshots is.

  • PBKeys
    The reasoning behind this rule is obvious: you cannot buy ETkeys so Clanbase wants to force players sticking to the same guid, so we can have a reliable way of tracking people.Dear Spain donex, I know you wanted to put it at 4 weeks but the current rule is just screwing over clean players. I do not mind adding my PBkey to CB, but the first time you'd have to be able to add it without the 2 week delay. After you added your key for the first time, you could have a 2 week even a 4 week delay before somebody can start playing with a new etkey. The current rule is basically saying to retired ETplayers: don't bother coming back to ET, you cant play CB anyways.

  • Slajdan
    This was a big mistake. Both Killerboy and Chaplja said they weren't 100% sure whether he was cheating. When you watch the demo however it almost feels like a movie. Two of the most obvious polish hackers getting raged by an amused Slajdan. Seriously if gnajda calls hacks you don't need much more proof ... I suggest you go on a search for the one top player who thinks Slajdan is clean. I haven't been able to find a single one, whereas this wasn't the case with Gnajda.

  • CDC + EC
    I know EC is decided at the top level of Clanbase and headadmins don't have any saying to it. ET however could use some good competition at the moment. Why don't you guys prepare a cup. The moment CDC is announced CB should announced a cup with at least some prizes like Anonymous Steelseries products.
    I also hope this EC season will start somewhere before or just after CDC. If its possible try to find a way to have CDC and EC work together to give ET one more active and skilled season. Either have EC end after CDC or in a perfect world you could even have the EC finals at CDC.

  • New Maps
    CB has the power to change ET. Adding special delivery was a good call and CB should keep on showing its balls of steel like it did in the Opencup of fall 2007. Although Karsiah turned out to be unsuitable for competition, at least the community gave it a try. This season Summercup didnt only feature 5on5, it also added Special Delivery and the map is here to stay.

    Keep the ET evolution going. Remove frostbite, karsiah and Anonymous b4 from competition. Theres a buck load of decent maps at the moment: Supplydepot, Goldrush, Radar, Bremen, Special Delivery and even Adlernest. There is no need to play maps which are either lotto, one big lean corridor or just got a fucked up 25 respawn time :)

Most of the things i wrote seem obvious to most most ETplayers but sadly Clanbase thinks otherwise. I'm sorry for this rhand rant and i hope you have an awesome vacation Spain Done! Shoutout to the mysterious Scotland admin who added markup and made a nice mainpage jpeg!

yours truly,