The recent wave of "is ET dead?", "How to revive ET" or recently published "The future starts here" shows the importance of the topic featured by this column. By this step towards you, the community, we hope for some fair comments and feedback. We want to improve what we offer to you, which in the end is a service by the community for the community !

When we look back in the history of our beloved game Enemy Territory everyone will remember several great moments or games he experienced: Crossfire Challenges 1-5, Quakecon, smaller national LAN Parties such as the Frenchlan, PGA in Poland. In 2009 several of these events will be hosted again and some new events like the recently announced ET Masters are coming up. All together these LAN's will probably offer more than 15.000€ to be won in the new year of 2009.
Whilst this truly is a great aspect of our current competitions scene, there are still some more or less relevant issues where the ET scene has been lacking of from the beginning. This column is not about any public player activities or some random game ranking stats, but the top of the scene and its competitive side.

ET's Problem:
We are talking about the ladders, professionalism and stability of teams, players, admins and clans. The major problem ET has and had always to fight with is that the community and coverage is completely isolated. With isolated I actually mean that MGC heads usually do not even know what Enemy Territory is. There is no interest in ET by non-ET players or Clans just because nobody really heard of it on a continuous base. Neither do they see the great coverage, matches and competitions its community pulled of in the last years.

This is the affair our community has to get into act to achieve a brighter future for our game!

To come back to the professionalism of which the ET scene is lacking off: Of course the teams have to act on their own behalf regarding this issue but nevertheless we already have a few teams which show the needed potential to act as described (e.g. Netherlands H2k or Slovenia This does not only regard high skilled teams. Even lower skilled teams can be organized professionally and show that they are ambitious.

What is this Column about?
Here we finally come to the point of this column. As we want to take care of the community, its opinions and interests we have big plans in which any of you can be involved in different kinds and impacts.

What we as the Admin Staff can speak about is, that we only need greater backing and activity from the community side to be able to give back much more. We here speak about general things such as re-joining the ladder systems and fighting for the top spots. This of course needs time investment and stable teams which do not split up after a few weeks. As anybody of you know:
In the end the financial & prize support a league offers a game and their admin staff to spread, is measured by its prestige and activity, often counted as matches per day or month.

In our very special case we would like to give the best support to bring Enemy Territory onto the next level. The Electronic Sports League is, if I am honest, only little loved within our community even though it is the leading, most respected and appreciated league around. This can be made up easily by checking the Sponsors, Partners and special competitions with a lot of prize money like the EMS, Extreme Masters or the Pro Series .
We lately tried our best to give ET another chance in the ESL. While most of the ladders could have been considered dead a few month ago we now e.g. have retrieved 100 active 1on1 players who play about 4 matches per day (124 per month) in our 1on1 ladder.
You also saw our Weekly Cup Series right before the Winter League started. The latter has more than 1000 active Enemy Territory players competing for the top spots! Whilst these can be viewed as pure fun competitions, we also hosted the last online competition with a real prize purse: The ESL Major Series Season II featured Enemy Territory with a stunning final. The Mapping Contest is currently running and the Most Matches Competition only waits to move on to the other ladders such as 3on3 and 6on6.

It is all up to You!
We just ask YOU to be a bit open-minded for a fresh start with the ESL which, if used correctly, can help to push our game onto the next level of competition. Tell us YOUR ideas, proposals and suggestions. Try to follow the vision if we saw Enemy Territory being featured on just another five Crossfire LAN events. We could see several multigaming clans picking up Enemy Territory squads who also compete in online competitions such as the Major Seriesor recently announced ET Masters, several ESL TV broadcasts and many more to come. Antipro is also just on its way and will do its best to help ET... On a side note, as this might be understood as an anti Clanbase column, it is not. I ask you to join back their ladders and act as professional as possible in their competitions, just as much I ask for the ESL.

We can have a bright future ladies and gentlemen, with a great game named Enemy Territory, and even greater online and offline competitions.
The ESL is ready to take this step: In the coming week every ladder, except the 1on1 ladder, will be reseted. We are open for your ideas!

The ESL is now hiring, because we need several new and capable guys to enlarge our admin staff and to be able to run more and regular competitions (e.g. spring,summer,fall,winter)! We search for Admins and Newswriters (from any country). Find out more about the requirements and jobs at the ESL Admin Aplication Page.

This is our Current Staff:[/b]]
image: arrow_right_black Germany Sn4kE (Europe Master Admin)
image: arrow_right_black Germany kafux (Europe Master League Admin)
image: arrow_right_black Germany eiM (Europe Co Master League Admin)
image: arrow_right_black Germany w0nd3r (Europe League Admin)
image: arrow_right_black Germany DeVito (Europe League Admin)
image: arrow_right_black Czech Republic smOke (Czech Republic Master League Admin)
image: arrow_right_black Czech Republic Atar1 (Europe/Czech Republic Trial League Admin)
image: arrow_right_black Czech Republic ResP (Czech Republic Trial League Admin)

If you want to apply make sure your application is written in proper language and has a good length. For simple questions about what to do check the Application Page or ask operators in

Next to Clanbase and Crossfire we want to give our best to give this game more opportunities. We want to have more competitions, with greater prizes and a bigger future. Join and do your part!