You know what really grinds me gears? The natural born cynics here on Crossfire - A Pessimism Community.Sometimes it would be nice to see people liking what others are doing, but those occurrences are few and far between! On sites like ESReality the users are bread to hate everything that is not CPM but elsewhere there is a vague sense of optimism, however on Crossfire the pessimism clouds are growing darker and I can never understand why.
image: Waldorf$20$26$20Stadler$203
The new Wolfenstein is coming out this summer and you already hate it, you’ve seen some screenshots and read some reports about the single player gameplay and decided already that this game will fail like Quakewars did. You ignore the fact that something is coming that could well give you a renewed enjoyment and new challenge, and focus on the disappointment you’re sure will lie ahead. Has your heart been broken so many times that you feel the need to protect yourself or is it just easier to hate?

The same comes when a new map comes along, or even a new config change, anything out of the ordinary. It doesn’t take much to anger – anything that’s got a hint of graphics is bad, one journal about another game (let alone a newspost) can often incite waves of flame about something that clearly has a following regardless of the readers opinion. To coin Heath Ledger, Why so serious?

My question is when did you all become 80 year old grumpy old men? Reading some of the comments of Crossfire users reminds me of the two muppet’s characters Stadler and Waldorf [pictured]. They would sit after a performance and say “Hey that wasn’t half bad!” “Nope, it was ALL bad!!!!”. The majority of the people on this site are 18 not 80, isn’t it time you found a ray of sunshine in your life?

And that’s what really grinds my gears!