Which one player epitomises Enemy Territory? Which one player has been there, done that and came home champion? Which one player leads a team of Quakecon, Crossfire Challenge and EuroCup Champions? Which one player can you always count on to deliver?

Night’s Crossfire profile is a veritable history lesson transgressing the various stages of competitive Enemy Territory. Gold Artic Esports Challenge. Gold Warleagues Premier League 2005. Gold Quakecon 2005. Gold Quakecon 2006. Gold Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge 1 & Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4. Gold ClanBase EuroCup XI, XIII and XIV. Gold sHg Open 2007. Gold Cadred QCup – the list is endless.

If there’s one player you’d want in your team to guarantee victory, it’d be Night.

The sixth instalment of the Crossfire Challenge LAN series is now just over a week away and it’s time to ask the one big question. At this, the biggest Enemy Territory only LAN to have graced the scene, which team takes home the gold and the lion share of €5000?

There can only be one serious answer – mamut.si. With Night back to winning ways this NationsCup season he’s got the thirst for blood and is ready for Enschede. “I think we're well prepared for the LAN, we've been playing a lot more than we did before the CC5 event.”

This increased activity has already lead to impressive victories in the ET Masters, with mamut confidently defeating CC5 champions h2k gaming and hot stuff Overload “Easy victories. I guess you could say so, but I think they [h2k/ovr] haven't performed as well as they could.” But what of mamut’s performance, was it just that their opponents underperformed? “We played our game, we still have some weak spots that we're currently working on and hopefully it'll all be fixed by next Friday”.

Following leading Estonia to victory in the much berated Nations Cup he’s the bit between his teeth and is ready for action. Is Night, and as such mamut, back to winning ways? “I hope so. Actually, we [mamut] haven't really been on a losing streak. We were defeated only twice at the last LAN and that's it. Haven't really lost before nor after that.”

Night speaks of consistency, but what of their not-so-last-minute replacement Squall, does his inclusion strengthen the team? “Having Squall in the lineup brings us some much needed aim-power next to Reload and our performance keeps getting better and better.”

This confidence in his teams ability should set off warning lights for their opponents next weekend. Is it worth the others turning up to CC6? Impact manager and CC6 admin Adacore thinks not “They have an amazing depth of LAN experience, some of the best players in the game and a run of great form - if anyone beats mamut it will be an impressive feat – they are the clear favourites for the upcoming CC6 tournament."

Finally we veered ominously towards the predictions proper for the pending competition, what does Night expect of the tournament “Hopefully it's going be a tough fight for the number 1 spot”, never one to shy away from the competition, the challenge making the win that bit sweeter “of course we're not going to settle for anything less than a win as usual and I feel like we're going into the tournament as favourites”. But those weighty expectations can occasionally be a burden, they’re the Leeds United of Enemy Territory, every team brings their A game “every team wants to beat us really badly, which gives them the extra motivation.”

With such confidence from their captain the average GBooky public would be a fool to bet against mamut.si next weekend.

Crossfire Challenge 6 takes place Friday 1st May – Sunday 3rd May 2009 in Enschede, Holland.