This week has seen three cases of Crossfire denying people entrance to LAN and primarily because of the timing of the cases they've caused quite a few comments and drawn quite a lot of attention, as such I felt it important just to write a short statement as to why we are so strict on this one rule where we are perhaps more lienient on others.

Ask yourself how many of the people you know have cheated but cleaned up their act because of LAN would still be cheating if there wasnt such a rule? Without something to play for cheaters will revert back to their errant ways, other organisations arent that strict and online competition doesnt offer the same prestige that LAN competition does. So the only place to hit cheaters is on LAN, many of the cheaters have proven to be perfectly competant on LAN and at least with the CC events people seem to want to come.

There is very little in the way of an effective anti-cheat in ET but the fear of a punishment that actually means something to those involved is one of the weapons we have in our arsenal.