As someone from Microsoft once said: "DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS"

Developers are the ones who make a game, who decide how it will look like, how it will play like, and so on. They might listen to community or not, it's their right to know better as they are the creators.

But lets talk about one particular game developer called United Kingdom Splashdamage, who as we all know are makers of our beloved Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and it's awesome sequel Enemy Territory: Quake Wars which helped them earn industry respect and many developer of the year awards.

They fail. They can't make games. They have no talent in game design.

Their first game W:ET (2003) was nothing more than a modification of already successful and polished game RTCW. Basic game changes were, slower ROF and damage falloff. As for gameplay and new content, engineer with it's riflenade and landmines is what we notice the most today. A covert ops and some new soldier weapons were introduced too. XP system. And a movable objectives, such as tank, truck and train. Thats about it. Fun stuff.

They worked with engine (Quake 3) which was made by other party, they had basic gameplay and balance also made by someone else, the one thing they really did themselves was maps, 6 maps to be exact. 6 maps which, while mostly not fit for competition, were really good looking and fun to play, a quality stuff as expected from team whose roots are in modding and map making.

Without United States of America bani and his work on ETPro, it would have been left dead as a competitive game.

W:ET failed as a stand alone game, and had to be released for free. But after seeing it's success online, someone had a great idea to keep supporting Splashdamage. And so, 4 years later, ET:QW was born.

Awful engine (Idtech4) and epic gameplay ideas with obvious greed to attract players from other games (Battlefield series), created a monster, a Frankenstein kind of it's own, something that even closed and open betas with excessive community input, input from top teams and players could not save.

Patches, mods, many come, many tried but it was too late for defibrillation, patient was dead.

But it sold. Sold so much that again they have support and can keep working in darkest dungeons of their London offices, waiting for lightning to hit the rod and create a new monster - Brink.

Now we have Wolfenstein. Leaked beta which everyone should have played by now. Developed not by SplashDamage but by United Kingdom Endrant Studios. However, to my knowledge Endrant is formed from people whom have left Splashdamage. A cycle repeats? All this has happened before, and it will happen again.

Quote by Endrant StudiosWhy can't it be about the game? Why can't it just be about a bunch of skilled, mature people who care about what they do, and make fun games? There are many things that can get in the way of creativity, passion and still being able to live a normal life. Lets get rid of those and focus on what is important: the game.

/endrant :D

Awful engine and epic gameplay ideas (EPIC VEIL?), but this time it's not Battlefield players they want to please, it's Call of Duty (But who will please RTCW/ET players?). Which leads me to question their sanity, do they really think COD players might play something like THIS? Fun? Unless miracle happens and there are huge changes in these two weeks, there even won't be big pub player base playing Wolfenstein, not to mention competitive community. With Call of Duty 6 waiting behind corner... Good luck and enough patience for modders, they will need it.

Following quote, at least for me, pretty much explains what happened to Wolfenstein. "They know their engine sucks, they know wolfenstein won't sell well, so they made it multi platform with the least effort required for maximum profit."

Sayonara Wolf.