Quote by eiMStick together and create a base level of professionalism

Picking up what eiM stated in his previous column should be the perfect introduction for this column. The question is: How professional it is to host two tournaments that are "Nation Cups"?
The answer should be obvious to all of us. Its not professional to host two of these cups at once and it would not happen in any other game but here. If this discussion about which NC should be played takes us anywhere, then to the point when we will realize how unnecessary it is. Both organisations are able to hold big tournaments, both have proofed that with numerous ECs and EMSs.

Now there is a point where their interests collide. On the one hand you have CB claiming its always been their cup, on the other hand ESL that got crossfire in as a strong partner and want to bring some fresh air into that "old" clanbase tournament. In the end both are capable of bringing an entertaining Nations Tournament to the community. But we all know, this is not going to happen. The reasons for that shall not be the topic of that column but you can think of some yourself.

With that we have the situation of two "companies" competing for one market and going for the monopoly. If you see it like that, one can say its a good thing for et cause it will bring out one winner. One site will host the Nations Cup and the captains of the national teams decide which one it will be and that means the community has an influence on which league is going to host one of the most prestigious events in ET and with that will probably gain more attention for their competitions then the other side. But is it really necassary to fight for that "market"?

As it seems now ESL is going to host the nation cup, which brings the chance for some changes to the common CB rules and great coverage by crossfire. But still its strange that eiM is one of the guys working for ESL and talking in a column about "sticking together" and then creates a Nations Cup without talking to CB long time before and even ignores their announcement. I do not want to blame anyone here but i want to state that it is not professional to do this. It might be the wish of the community to host it at ESL but it wouldn't have hurt to host it at crossfire like one Nations Cup before with an admin team of both organisations. This chance seems to be gone now and will probably not return. The hope that stays is the one for more professionalism and a cooperation with both big leagues not fighting each other but working together to create more great events for the ET community.

I would like to finish with the same quote i began with, in the hope some people will follow that advice:

Quote by eiMStick together and create a base level of professionalism