Yesterday, my column got deleted, which honestly, I expected to happen, but I thought that it would at least raise some bigger discussion about the way maplists are decided for major tournaments. Seeing that it didn't, I decided to throw out one more issue that's been bugging me in the interest of seeing how will people react to it.

As the title says, it's a column about how to make Bremen better...
First off, a bit of history, Bremen_b1 was released around 2007, and if I remember correctly it was first used in CPC2 LAN tournament. The map became pretty popular, backed up and liked by top teams, it had it's place set in the maplist. But then came the Mobile MG trouble from the Cadred! Their team and namely twidi, started using the mobile mg on almost every stage of the defense(and attack), including 1st stage. They were a pretty good team on all maps, would even say that they were easily top 3 team in the times of TLR, dignitas, impact etc. But the usage of the MG made them notorious and almost hated by furious legions of people. The whine got so bad, that the creator of the map listened, and changed the map in a way that makes MG less effective. The changes included a wall on first stage that doesn't allow the flag defender to shoot the allies attacking from the side corridor. An additional entrance to generator room, that allows allies to avoid crossfire on the main road, some ground changes near the notorious mg room(we still call it that way in my team) that made sure that MG can't be used so easily as it was before.

The notorious MG room on Bremen_b1 without "ground" changes:
image: bg0s4pu24dmoi19kg

After those fixes, most teams that used MG, moved it do the key room, and shot the middle road from there. Later MG was removed from the competitive leagues and people used different tactics.

After all this, I have gotten to the main point of the column. You see, Bremen_b2 didn't only change those things, but changed something else. It added this wall shown in the picture in the last axis spawn. It was made so that the Axis could defend truck easier, but what it did, is made the middle stage of the map, and key defense(after losing Command Post) much, much harder for Axis. It basically removed a 2nd quick exit from the spawn, so when you take a keycard anywhere close to Axis spawntime(even after they have spawned), you are almost guaranteed to run away with it. It's just impossible for Axis to chase you, and shoot in your back when they have to climb over this wall, or try and exit the only quick exit, which is getting spammed by rifle and grenades. That means, the map removes one good stage with a doc run, that could actually be interesting.

Bremen_b1 version without the wall:
image: bg0s5wudoukolmbhs

Bremen_b2 version with the wall:
image: bg0s6pfwth2wry84w

So here's my idea, make that wall build-able for Axis, give teams the option of not having it while defending keycard/middle stage, and the ability to build it when they want to close that exit to defend the truck easier if they so choose. Now, I'm not saying this will make the map awesome and playable in 5on5, but why not try it? Maybe even bring the more open b1 back and add the build-able wall option in that version?

Anyways, I wanted to share this idea for a while already so here it is.