image: riph3
With three episodes these columns will bring you a view behind the business we are all together with every day we play or talk about the games. With more than 40 years history of gaming so far, it's much you can tell about the mistakes and ideas, failures and success which repeat over and over again. Even though the amount of success is going downwards, failures keep us up discussing about the background.
image: ript1
image: ript2
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image: s_newsRIP 1/3:
- Milestones in the games' history
- On a lost track?
- Now Who and What's the difference?

RIP 2/3:
- A good game never dies

RIP 3/3:
- Is a new game able to beat any one up?
- The Messageimage: s_news

Is a new game able to beat any one up?

Heroes of Newerth does not fit in the clash between shooter communities and their players opinions, but on it's own it brought a fight between the DotA oldies (including those who pretend to), the former DotA players who switched over and the players who came new into the game and it's game play from numerous other communities. Savage, a game S2 Games released, has not proved itself to an audience of many millions competitive players and it is save to say their previous titles will most likely be forgotten sooner or later. But compared to the creators of Wolfenstein they are willing to do the things the community wants from them and this does not seem to be a pre-release a not even finished game.

Also, there is Splash Damage, their Corssfire Q&A about their new title "Brink" was entertaining for most of you and brought the shiny roots SD showed themselves out of Quake Wars' fatal criticism back to the top with bringing you the hope and faith in a game developer again - Faith for patches and hope for not ignoring the competitive scene - the scene that made everything going that far, so far.

Only the official releases will tell you the truth about their creators' courage sooner or later, whether the faith will be forgotten or the fun comes over us will be decided somehow and shomewhen.

image: s_headFounded'
image: s_news
image: s_news
Splash Damage
S2 Games²Founder
image: s_news
Paul Wedgwood, Richard Jolly and Arnout van Meer
Marc DeForestimage: s_foot

The Message

A seriously famous and wise guy once said "A game is as long alive as you improve it" and from what I saw in the past 12 months this game is definitely alive: New stars, new leagues, new ladders and a new team size - what else do you need to say ET is alive and kickin'?

A little bit more established person once said "A Good Game Never Dies" - Therefor to all the haters, journal creators about ET is going to die and snoops: ET won't die and will always entertain us, it might be more or less to anyone, but it will keep it's track.

- Please accept the fact I do not play steam games and I am not willing to rate those
games nor their publishers, therefor counter strike received just a little side not and
half life is completely ignored even though it is worth to be mentioned along with
Quake and UT -

' - Source:
² - official year
³ - According to source
X - Not releated