image: bmcet

Group A - E are done !

Group A

In Group A we got no real surprise. dignitas and angelDust are proceeding into the playoffs. Dignitas, formerly known as Blight, as little surprise for everybody seem to have switched their organisation just before the tournament. angelDust were able to confirm their good online performance lately with place 2 in the group. inteRaction have been a good challenge to both dignitas and angelDust but in the end they lost their decider against aD and are now going straight into the consolation final. As expected, Validus and WCT have been fighting for place 4 and 5. Validus came out as a winner in this little challenge and we will see both teams in the consolation tournament tomorrow.

1. United Kingdom Dignitas
2. Belgium angelDust
3. Czech Republic inteRaction
4. United Kingdom Validus
5. Benelux WCT

Group B

Group B started with a big bang early in the morning. myRevenge - FiF was able to beat nOu who are recently playing the EMS final. Nevertheless, both teams proceeded quite easily into the playoffs, with FiF being on top which is a suprise. Lost Soldiers had their big moment when they fullholded CUBE on goldrush. However, CUBE won the game and finished as 3rd in Group B. So, the match for place 4 was between Lost Soldiers and Team Even More Randoms. Anaconda tried to carry his team with all his power, but LS won them quite comfortably and took away the fourth place.

1. Belgium myR - FiF
2. Europe nOu ZOWIE
3. United Kingdom CUBE
4. Germany Lost Soldiers
5. Europe TEMR

Group C

Group C was one of the closest groups in groupstage. With YoYoTech on top, we got 4 teams which seemded to be on the same level. YoYoTech won all of them without any problems and so took away the crown of Group C. Nothing is Impossible, however, won the battle for the second place in the group by beating Famas, section9, and EU. The french side of Famas placed 3rd, EU 4th, and last but not least, section9, feauturing german ET legend Urtier seized the last place. After all these matches, one can say that the group was pretty much clear and without big surprises as all the matches ended 4-0.

1. United Kingdom Team-YoYoTech
2. Belgium Nothing is Impossible
3. France Famas
4. Europe [*EU*]
5. Europe section9

Group D

Well, what can I say about Group D. Feauturing Jungle Brothers, the team around butchji and Lightning, who were the clear favourites for the first place. To be honest they havent even been challenged, as Perception were the biggest lan crumble in the groupstage. So Infused, who have been praccing a lot online lately, suffered from their hard work and finished second in Group D. Perception, like some guys already expected, even had a lan dodger in their own ranks. Known as one of the best buddys of Gnajda - yes we are talking about Aima - didnt even come to Enschede to proof himself on a LAN. One must not forget aGu, who had a lot of fun playing on a big ET Lan for the first time, who have even beaten #RATATATA on Enlarged 2009, finished as fourth but you can be sure that they'll have a great time in the Consolation Tournament tomorrow.

1. Europe JungleBrothers
2. United Kingdom Infused
3. Poland Perception
4. Germany aGu

Group E

Group E was the group with highest LAN crumble potential. Will dESIRE have a hard time like on CC6, going out in the groupstages again ? Can tMoe show what they are made of, like they did online in an impressive way ? In the end, it was all between BoonDocks and dESIRE. The team around CC5 winner dialer has shown us a great example of good teamwork and skill. Even Numeric, selected as one of those "online-onlys" played quite good and helped his team a lot to finish one top of Group E. The deciding match for playoff rank 2 was between dESIRE and BoonDocks. Surprisingly, dESIRE won the match quite comfortably and is now proceeding to the playoffs. enLANced didnt play a big roll in their group, losing all matches 4-0. Although they still have the chance to prove themselves in the Consolation Tournament tomorrow.

1. Poland To make Odds even
2. France dESIRE
3. Netherlands BoonDocks
4. Europe enLANced