Impact Gaming met a strong opponent in the form of Gamerz Connexion earlier this morning, however gzcon were not able to capitalize on the map they won by forfeit against the late arriving Impact, meaning Impact are still the reigning team in group B and seem to be in quite a comfortable position to secure their reign.

Zero Empathy have been looking quite uncomfortable at the tournament. The last minute replacement of Malta toxic by Belgium Alvo and United Kingdom crmbs and Netherlands NOHEAD appearing instead of France RizkKk and Belgium fostrum have not done the team well at all, losing versus Gamerz Connexion yesterday. If Zero Empathy can't get their game going right now they will be ending up third in their group, meaning they're most likely out of the tournament. That would be quite a disappointment for jo0f and siL who played well at the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 ending top 12, and were hoping to improve on that here at the Antwerp eSports Festival.

Does Zero Empathy manage to make an impact or does Impact really have zero empathy? We will see very soon.

Netherlands Zero Empathy
Netherlands jo0f
Belgium Alvo
Belgium siL
Netherlands NOHEAD
United Kingdom crmbsversusUnited Kingdom Impact Gaming
United Kingdom sqzz
United Kingdom meez
United Kingdom R0SS
Italy XyLoS
Netherlands hayaa