If a man gets lucky and he founds the woman of his dreams, he will probably hope his woman to stay just as she is. Woman might grow more mature, but she won’t stand more beautiful with cosmetic surgery and Botox in long term. The best man can do is to let the woman be herself and grow older with her.

Enemy Territory's player base has been quite the same for years. Same faces searching for scrims and playing same mixes from time to time at nights. In no way we need to lure new players into our ET's hook or make our beloved game easier for noobies to adopt. We already have the perfect partner, only we now need to accept her the way she is.

Enemy Territory has evolved into what it really should be. Necessary changes into the game mechanics has been done a long time ago. Necessary to make the game enjoyable and to take every possible inch out of the skill curve ET has to offer. Finally we understood to honor the game and take the unnecessary spammer aka. sixth player out of the main gameplay. 5on5 was tried years ago with known consequences but I think we just were not ready for it. Fortunately massive gameplay tests and different configs between the leagues are history and we have found agreement about the gameplay. Consensus is for the best of us all.

We have enough of good maps to make the games going. I will not name any, because the flame about delivery is not the point of this column. Nevertheless we have half a dozen complex maps which require versatile skill and good team play, maps in which we already had hundreds, even thousands of exciting moments over the years. Why do we always need to play old, already once abandoned maps in cups just to realize that no one is willing to practice those and that the maps will be abandoned once more after the season ends? At nights one quickly founds himself playing the usual supply-gr-radar-adler map pool where sometimes incidentally appears some other map.

Several other games are using the same best of three system like in Enemy Territory, and in those games the map pool seldom is bigger than five maps. If a game is tied after five maps then it is a toss of a coin to choose the winner. As if in football they would play 5 overtimes instead of penalty shots. And take a look of Quake 3 and Quakelive, people wanted to play old but good maps so intensively they actually took the oldies into the new game. Why should we be different and try to play maps we don’t like? Sometimes cup map pools reminds me of a public server map pools where admins have introduced a crippled and twisted battery remake just because 'they wanted some variation'. WE DO NOT WANT.

A man is fallible. Sometimes in greedy makes one tries so much to save something one is not able to and at the same time cannot accept the fact that everything is temporal. Enemy Territory had its days and years and is now in mature, omniscient age. No use trying to deny the fact that ET will die as a game someday, but wouldn't we all want to grow old and quit playing with that perfect beloved partner knowing that at least we can take all the possible joy of it instead of trying to salvage what we really are not capable of.