After reading Belgium Krosan's Coverage Ad Nauseam column about improving Crossfire I wrote a pretty long comment describing my thoughts on the matter. It wasn't very well written but at least I made my point. This website is very much set in its ways and some major changes are hard to push through. Still I would like to show you what I wrote after reading United Kingdom Nellie's comment; "Read the 'creating a narrative' thread in the admin forum - some good suggestions in there."

I think its rather small minded that things like that are mostly written in the "admin forum" where users are not able to give their opinion. Therefore I have to say this is not so much a column as it is a brainstorm. I know some of my idea's are impossible to achieve, but maybe a simpler form of them can be applied.

Integrate GTV and crossfire more and more. Now its just 2 sets of community's, each run by other people (as far as I know at least). Perhaps make a banner with upcoming matches showing up next to the Crossfire banner at the top of the website. Getting an active GTV admin who is willing to do interviews with players from clans that are playing that night, not only about the match but about anything that surrounds ET. Give unkown players a chance to get their "15 minutes of fame". There are alot of players I would like to read about, like players from smaller country's who captain their teams in the NationsCup (Czech republic, Spain, Italy, etc) and their view on this game.

] Leagues
Crossfire has the ability to create clans, but they are pretty much useless. Therefore it might be an idea to integrate the ESL+CB calendar on the crossfire profile, so that matches can easily be scheduled and maybe the crossfire challenge ladder (not sure if its still on here) can be used to arrange fun matches etc. This way the site will get more involved in the everyday game-play of at least the clanleaders.
Ps, Also CB/ESL should appoint more admins for every respective league, and ask them to atleast 1 post per stage of the competition (1 for groupstage, 1 for playoffs, 1 for finals?)

] ET-Merc
Make something like facebook has, events. Something where u can sing up as being available. Two forms are possible, making a small gather button, or by showing a pool of people who pressed the available button within the last hour. This way you dont have to spam irc, but you have an overvieuw of the people who are willing to play. You dont get a "glance for the last few minutes" but you can see who is still available after an hour after they signed up. No need to keep on spamming "merc avi" on irc.

] Chat
Make a chat system which obsoletes the private messaging on this website. Plus this means there wont be any more uselss chains on this webiste. All this enhances the community feeling.

] Forums
Stop stickying everything that is posted by an admin. Looking around on this webiste I, at this moment, see 2 sticky's that have been here for quite a while. "ET Movie Database, CF/YCN vent". Just remove these idiotic things or put them in a section where they belong. Put the Movie Database at the top of the "Movies Section" and remove the vent info. If someone needs that info just use the "Search"function on this website.

] News
Instead of posting every single remotly intresting thing about "high skilled" teams keep the main news for main news only. Not about one playing being changed in the lineup of some top 10 EC team. Main news should only show announcedments of new league's and things that affect everyone who plays this game. The other news should be filled with clans announcing their new lineups (not only high teams, give everyone a chance, even if this means it will get spammed by 2 week teams.. everyone starts out with a new lineup, so everyone deserves a chance).
Make a new section (like the "cups") called "Upcoming Matches" where matches shown in the afore mentioned banner are explained by either one of the teamcaptains or one of the hosting admins. All the CB/ESL newsposts can be done there.

] Configs
Make a new place where everyone can dump their config, and so creating one big config selection from new to old players. Just make sure everyone can only upload 1 config to limit the amount of spam. Crossfire admins should be able to manually add requested configs from players that quit this site, or that quit the game entirly.

] Rewards
Seeing as this website has sponsers i reckon that they generate money. Put some of that money back into the website by rewarding people who generate content. If someone does 5 interviews that are generally well received offer them a bouncer and a solid position as a semi crossfire admin. Give them +v at #crossfire and ask them to continue writing, give them positive feedback.

] Crossfire Central
Seeing as crossfire has become THE place to be, wouldnt it be nice if there were some dedicated people who are willing to break down the barrier that ETpro has at this moment? ETultimate installer was a really good tool new players to get into the etpro scene. Now with SLAC being taken in by CB there should be a tool somewhere on crossfire that will get u all the programs u need to play. Besides all the ET files this includes SLAC + mIRC(nn?) + a small guide for IRC/CB/ESL signups and how ET works in general.

Feel free to post your idea's, could be intresting to see if someone has some nice add-ons.

ps1: I think we should credit people who do their best to generate content to this website like krosan, kamz, lion and even adi. Keep up the good work.
ps2: I know this will get alot of flame, people dont like its writting here, people dont like whats written, go ahead mock this collumn, atleast ive been able to write my thoughs about this website once and for all.