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Match week one is here!

Battle For Berlin is about to begin and we have loads of interesting matches coming up! I'm going to cover tonight's games along with United Kingdom Baggiez. Here are my previews of games 1-4:

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Game #1

Seed 1 vs. Seed 16

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21.00 cet

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Europe Anexis

United Kingdom R0SS
Estonia Night
Finland Squall
United Kingdom Sqzz
Belgium mAus
Italy XyLoS
Germany FLoPJEHZ
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Germany Lost Soldiers

Germany laNgo
Germany caTchEr
Germany eujen
Germany valaR
Germany qwik
Germany mKs
Italy VJTO
Belgium Buzzer
Referee: NetherlandsSimonKinsler

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Europe Anexis changed their lineup earlier this month before the sign ups opened by adding two ex-Dignitas players, Estonia Night and Finland Squall. This merge of the two superior teams has risen a lot of discussion as to wether anyone can really give them a challenge for the first spot in any competition. Most of their players are participating in the EuroCup with another teams and as Anexis they have yet only participated in the first qualifier for JeeET tournament, which they won by beating Europe Queens 4-0 in the finals.

Player to watch: Belgium mAus

Germany Lost Soldiers on the contrary to their opponent doesen't have a lineup full of all-star players, but instead has a really solid and stable lineup that has been together for a long time. They are currently participating in the OpenCup and started their run in the premier league by beating France CbZ 4-2. Also worth mention is that they currently hold the first position in the re-opened CB 6on6 ladder and have been one of the most active teams in there.

Player to watch: Germany eujen

About the game there isn't much to speculate. Lost Soldier shouldn't have any chances to win here unless something really dramatic happens. Although it should be a walk in the park for Anexis this game might still get a decent number of spectators as many will want to see their favourite star players in action.

Quote by Anexis.SquallWhat I can say really, this is gonna be nice warmup for the upcoming challenges, gl to lost soldiers!

Quote by lost`BuzzerWe have pracced hard for the last two weeks to prepare ourselves to get owned. Even if we are in a good shape at the moment, I think that they'll take one map but the final score is going to be 4-2 for us. :)

Ps: Player to watch => Catcher or lango (if you want to have a laugh)

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Game #2

Seed 9 vs. Seed 8

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21.00 cet

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Germany oxid

Germany stRay
Germany kiwi
Germany sNoOp
Germany gr0ss
Germany s1LENT
Canada brandoN
Finland Statti
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Russia disQonnect

Russia humM3l
Russia Jago
Russia freezer
Russia jOKE
Germany Kevji
Germany boNg
Germany predi
Referee: NetherlandsFrop

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Germany oxid (previously known as Team-Survive) has been around since 2010, but their lineup has gone through various changes and many of their ex-players actually play on the opposing side in this game (Turkey FiREBALL, Germany Kevji and Germany predi atleast). Their current lineup includes many top notch aimers like Germany sNoOp for example, but from what I've heard they haven't been practicing a lot so their team chemistry and team play might be questionable at the moment.

Player to watch: Germany sNoOp

Russia disQonnect has been able to hold a stable lineup for a few months already and have been getting some good results securing their place in the EC playoffs. Their lineup isn't very flashy just by looking at the names, but players like Kevji and Germany boNg have really improved within last couple years and are definately players to look out for.

Player to watch: Germany boNg

The game between these two teams should certainly be a great match up. They already met each other in the EuroCup qualifiers where disQonnect was able to beat oxid 4-0. According to the current odds at disQonnect seems to be the favourite for this game (1.47 vs 6.21), but there shouldn't be any lack of excitement specially as United Kingdom TosspoT will be casting the game. So be sure to tune in at 21 CET!

Quote by oxid`gr0ssI guess it will be 4:0/4:2 for them, since they had some really strong perfomances in their EC teams and being a stable team for some time now. But we will do our best to make a nice and watchable match. (:

Quote by dQ/humM3LSince we didnt pracc for a week now, i cant say anything about the score. We beaten them allready 4-0 in EC qualifier, but now they playing togetheras team since 3-4 weeks. I feel like today is everything possible 4-2 for us or for them.

FiREBALL cant give his comeback today for us due some rl issues, he will be avi against g2p i hope. We try to give our best to give the watchers anice gtv evening.

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Game #3

Seed 5 vs. Seed 12

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21.00 cet

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Estonia k1ck eSports

Estonia mant
Estonia rAUL
Estonia subb
Estonia freeze
Estonia JyrkZ
Canada monkey
France StrAf
Netherlands ZaK
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Poland b2k

Poland l4z
Poland Abject
Poland w1lko
Poland WuT
Poland syriusZ
Poland mag
Referee: PolandChickita

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Estonia k1ck eSports propably has the most stable lineups of all the participants and the core of that lineup has been the same for years. Their advantage lies in their excellent team play as they lose in aim compared to other top teams in front of them in the seedings. k1ck eSports used to be majorly underrated, but now they've gotten the appreciation they deserve and their #5 seed is a solid proof of that.

Player to watch: Estonia mant

Poland b2k consists of relatively unknown Polish players, but they surprised many by getting into EuroCup and managed to take a map from Russia disQonnect in a 2-4 loss in their first game. They'll have the element of surprise in this cup aswell and will be interesting to see how they will do against the better teams.

Player to watch: Poland Abject

k1ck eSports is the clear favourite for this game and will most likely be able to take this one with their vast advantage in experience. How ever the loser of first map is able to choose the 2nd map so that might turn up in b2k's favour. So we might be seeing a decider here, but k1ck eSports losing this game would be shocking.

Quote by b2k.syriusZI think it's gonna be a close and exciting match. We are hungry for victory, as it is probably the most prestigious cup atm and we failed in ec a bit. We aregonna do our best tonight and we are quite confident we can take it 4:2 or even 4:0! Player to watch: whomever you gonna spec you will see pure pwnage, do mycia z low!

Quote by k1ck-mantWe haven't pracced since our last EC game vs tA and I have no idea what to expect tonight, if we can play like we usually play, it will be a win for us I guess, but you never know, b2k might surprise us. Shoutout to walle(L)

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Game #4

Seed 13 vs. Seed 4

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21.00 cet

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France Epic

France beck
France KEEJi
France talG
Germany violy
Austria dAy
Austria beAsty
France MENTh
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Benelux MouseControl

Netherlands joshua
Netherlands saKen
Netherlands SQuid
France An7ho
Poland zMk
Poland fanatic
Slovakia filuS
Netherlands spho
Referee: PolandRobaciek

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France Epic are currently playing in the premier league of Open Cup and have started it off by winning two games and losing one. Their lineup consists of some experienced EC and NC players like France KEEJi (ex-dESIRE / France) and Austrian NC players Austria dAy and Austria beAsty, but as a team they are in a different league with most of the participants.

Player to watch: Austria beAsty

Benelux MouseControl has had to go through a couple lineup changes coming into this season and they haven't quite gotten into the level they used to be at. Recently they shockingly lost to Limbo in EuroCup 2-4 so they really have to improve if they want to fight for a top3 spot here. Competition behind Anexis, g2p and Queens is really tough so even top5 doesen't come without a fight.

Player to watch: Netherlands joshua

Despite MouseControl not possibly being on their top form this should be an easy game for them and anything but a 4-0 victory here can't be expected. Epic will try to do their best and show their worth of being this cup, winning a map would still be a miracle.

Quote by epic.beAstymCon is a strong opponent with very active players which play together in 3v3 and 6v6 for quite a long time already. It won't be easy for us to beat them but we aren't afraid of them at all. Although our lineup is new and our tactics are like a two minutes crash course on all maps, we still have very good individual players. The France part of our team is playing together for some time as well as the Austria & Germany part has been playing together during the last years already. Since every player also brings a lot of experience and skill it's now all about having the right teamplay to beat mCon.

Quote by mCon)(saKenNo idea what to expect from this game, we haven't played against these guys yet and apparantly SQuid and karnaj won't be here tonight. Who knows what will happen!

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