Dear Crossfire, today I am going to reveal to you my struggle with what I consider to be one of the most enjoyable recreational drugs released in many years, Battlefield 3. I am, or I would like to be, an addict.

It all started on the Battlefield 3 Beta, I posted here on Crossfire my dissatisfaction with what I thought to be a terrible game. Many people told me that I was wrong and that I needed to give it more time, get into squads and play more. Actually, I didn't on the beta - time didn't allow for it however I was lucky enough to be given a copy of the game so I figured I'd give it another try.

Upon release the obstacles to actually calming my dislike were quite large. I had to disable features on my router to get in game and even that didn't quite assure me of a solid connection but as Jeff Bridges said in Tron...I Got In.

When I get on a server I do everything a competitive player probably hates. I love to ride around in my tank, I love to ram my Jets into people and I love to baserape. Is that such a crime? I have the very same feeling I had as a young TosspoT hiding on in the vents on mp_beach with my venom. For me the key difference in BF3 is that everything actually works in game (at least for the way I chose to play it). The flying experience is brilliant, the tanks are powerful but easily destroyed, I feel quite confident as 1 soldier I can take down a tank, yet in a tank I feel quite confident I can kill everything that moves. Its a thoroughly addictive public server game.

image: bf9a5746c35af0a3a9069af1e48245b1af66afe28e22e51020ad5b21ca7cb5fb5gI could quite happily sit and play for hours upon end until....Game Disconnected. Why? Why has my game disconnected? What did I do? What the f#!k? Its not just game disconnected, I could be mowing down an army and then suddenly this huge lag spike will come and my game will freeze for 10 seconds. Normally one of two things happen, either I'll come back from that lag spike or ill get a second spike moments later and that's GG for me! I have never actually played the game for longer than 45 minutes concurrently!

For those that haven't played BF3 or any EA games you've got 3 contributing factors into the demise of it all. 2 of those come from Origin and Battlelog. Origin is EA's (evil) equivalent to Steam, its simple download manager that manages updates and purchases only the one thing it can't do is simply stay connected to the internet! Battlelog is EA's equivalent of the 'In Game Server Browser', imagine when you load ET or CS and you have your options screen, server browser and profile options - EA took that into a web 2.0 facility and actually as a concept its great. Between the two of these though, one can't stay connected to the other for very long and neither are capable of informative error messages.

Lastly out of the 3 factors that contribute to my hard comedown, Punkbuster. Seriously you forget the difference TZAC makes until you go back to life with PB. I had a taster with my Xmas RTCW Server from Homie kicking me during my Christmas RTCW renaissance but in BF3 those 10 second lag spikes absolutely take the problem of PB Lag Spikes from a few years ago to a completely new dimension.

So what do I do? Give up on what I consider to be one of the best PC 'shooters' (its not really a shooter) in many many years because I know that EA/PB will never get their act together or do I soldier on, get my fix where I can, a quick hit every now and then fight the good fight. For now I chose to fight (mainly because there's supposedly a patch this week), but this cannot go on forever!