I’ve followed the launch of the PS Vita quite closely because, for the past year or more I’ve been obsessed with having some form of mobile computing device beyond my phone/ipod (remember, I have a BlackBerry not a fun phone!). I’m definitely someone who would look to either a tablet or handheld device as a life saver, I fly at least twice a month and I spend a solid hour on the tube every day.

In the summer I bought the Sony S1 Tablet thinking this might be the best halfway house purchase for me. The size and potential productivity of a tablet with the fun of the Playstation games offered within. This was arguably the worst purchase I’ve ever made and I took it back within 4 days, it had the processing power of a dead goat, half the features didn’t work and the playstation games (crash bandicoot) just didn’t work on a touchscreen device. (Thank you PC World for a full refund!)

So the PS Vita looked like it might be a good device to at least settle my hunger for something to play. Currently I get incredible value out of my iPod Touch app store purchases, at the moment I’m playing Tripletown a game that has both me and soon to be Mrs. TosspoT addicted in the puzzle world of fighting bears and building houses. If you were to look over someone’s shoulder who was playing it, you’d think they were an idiot, but to play is to love. Before that, Plants vs Zombies, Bloons Tower Defence, Airport Mania and more. All purchased for the grand sum of less than 2 pounds each – yet delivering between fifty and a hundred hours of game time.

At a maximum of two pounds for a game, I don’t mind taking a punt on a game that isn’t going to deliver the all action excitement of Plants vs Zombies (brains…) if that price was say…forty pounds I’d certainly think twice!

The motivation for this column and reason for my fear of purchasing the PS Vita is this review of 10 launch games. Having not bought a game for my XBOX360 in years and my PC Game buying cycle being driven by yearly repeat purchases (Football Manager, Call of Duty etc) – I have become numb to the actual price of video games.

You’ve got to be joking if you think I’m going to drop forty pounds on a handheld game or even worse, 45 pounds for FIFA! (I hate handheld football games for some reason). In that review list there is only one game that would tempt my purchase and that is wipeout (it always upsets me that since the turn of the millennium Wipeout games have not migrated onto PC).

For me the reality is that ‘the App game’ has killed the handheld experience. Why pay 20x the price when I can risk just a fraction on the war in my back garden between plants and zombies. I cannot imagine I'm alone, whilst there was a time where I'd spend whatever took to have the best game and to be a pokemon master - those days are gone! Kids today will be wise to where their pocket money is spent, on the phone or on their handheld/console.

Whilst the app game is rarely as immersive in terms of story line, that’s something I can forgo for the additional bulge in my wallet. My hankering for a new gadget will probably lead me to an ultrabook sometime later this year.