August 2009 was the last time Crossfire's monthly unique user count was in six figures. Now in May 2012 the sites traffic is at its highest point since then, edging ever closer to that point. Crossfire and its community is very much epitomise taking matters into your own hands and to that we should all be proud.

By rights we should all be dead. Our games are old, our hair is grey and yet not only are we not dead, we're actually growing. The recent Battle for Berlin 2 tournament and the upcoming Adroits ET Masters prove that with a little hardwork the gaming world can be your oyster.

For many years I had been saying if you don't like something in your community, do something about it. Amazingly I don't think I've said that in a long time now - people did something about it. Changes in formats, tournaments, anticheats and more brought the game and its community to where it is now.

Where is it now? Now it is a state where those who don't play, watch, read, interact. Those who don't play football might still watch, read and talk about the Champions League final tomorrow. That is a state of sustainability and stability.

To the nay sayers I say nay. To the rest of you I say, congratulations.