Are you bored of the same standard interviews all the time? Well, prepare for something special. In endless hours of work both from those I interviewed and myself, I have put up something that might give you a lot to read.
20 questions, 27 players, an endless mass of text - enjoy!
I want to thank all those who responded to the interview and took their time to give proper answers, namely:

Belgium Ganon
Belgium lioco
Belgium mAx
Belgium Rafiki
Belgium Xionn
Switzerland gifty
Germany butchji
Germany chaoz
Germany conan
Germany drago
Germany urtier
Germany zerender
Germany ramiN
England Mztik
Finland Tiigeri
Finland twidi
Finland Xpaz
Hungary CS4fi
Latvia Clown
Latvia dunno
Latvia Vinyl
Malta toxic
Netherlands BuLL
Netherlands guardian
Netherlands kris
Poland Mrozu
Poland nrs

ET - The Interview. An Interrogation Of The Special Kind - Part 1

If there was an encyclopedia of ET players, which description would be written under your name?
QuoteBelgium Ganon:
Clan history, awards and a small description.

Belgium lioco:
You want it lame ? You found the name!

Belgium mAx:
Maxime "mAx" Quoilin, former rambo medic, famous for some old fragmovies who got fame before having skills. Now trying to figure out whether he should play poker, ET or Quake. Hmm, ye I like that one :).

Belgium Rafiki:
A regular Belgian guy that has a great love for RTCW/ET in general. Played for: waco, massacre, zerobarrier, mycruz. Telenet headadmin since august 2005. Was captain of the Belgian Nationscup team in 2006. Became Crossfire site administrator in October 2006.

Belgium Xionn:
Really tough question to answer, I guess something like: "Oldskool RTCW player that went to ET" would be perfect. It's not up to me to write this.

Switzerland gifty:
"Go to p.294 ---> Offensive Rifle" :L Don't know, many people are criticising me for the way I play the rifle. I'm a "ramboh", "public-player" whatever :> I just think that's what the team helps most, an aggressive rifle... And I can add that it's more interesting for viewers ;P hehe..

Germany butchji:
I think people can figure that out by themselves. :-< Hint: The

Germany chaoz:
Too pretty for gaming.

Germany conan:
David "conan" G. (aged 18) started playing ET in June 2004. Making first clan experience with the clan "Kamener Kreuz", a clan containing reallife friends at the beginning, conan started serious gaming in January 2005 when he founded the Squad "divinus", consisting of nowadays well known people like Hatred, Keran and ohzor4. Although no team member had great experience the team under the leadership of conan improved their skill level with every pracc they played. Joining leagues like ESL (3on3) and wl (6on6) the team gained experience in competitive playing. Motivated by the improvements the team made in such a short time, conan developped the will to become not only known in germany but in the european scene. The first great backstroke for conan was seeing the team dieing because bad recruitements had been done. After playing one year with the same squad he decided to cave in to the wish of some members to take a break and called it a day.
Searching a new clan, conan still had the motivation to go on. Joining "dFiance" seemed to be a great possibility, but he fastly recognized that this squad is not suited for him very well. The logical consequence was to quit after one month of playing with this team. Although he was demotivated by this month of senseless playing, he decided to accept the offer of Team-Germany captain "biqq" to join the team vicious and evil. Participiating with the team in the "Clanbase eurocup" conan had finally achieved to become a known player.
Currently he is playing with team-helix which contains former v&e and team-helix player. Conan is most known for his work as medic, being a smg-whore, gibbing and the ability to stay calm in important matches. But he also is able to play engineer, Oanzerfaust soldier, sniper and field ops and thus he is a real allrounder.

Germany drago:
Nothing special I guess. Maybe the cups I participated in aswell as a short summary of my clans. I am more of a silent powerhouse!

Germany urtier:
Highly overrated FieldOps, highest decorated German ET-Player.

Germany zerender:
Well, I think I'm one of the weirdest and craziest player around, but all my "inetfriends" know I'm a funny and handsome guy :>. But we shouldn't forget my 24/7 xfire activity and spams 8D!

Germany ramiN:
Helix. :-)

England Mztik:
Guess it would have to be something along the lines of dedicated guy likes to help, likes to see teams improve, strive to be better while having a laugh. Social and of course settings are very important.

Finland Tiigeri:
Poor student who likes to go out much. A superpredator with beautiful blend of grace and ferocity. A large hearted gentleman.

Finland twidi:
Highsense using multiclasser from Finland who does a lot of work for the team to success.

Finland Xpaz:
Played in such recognised teams such as team-majesty, parodia/uQ and lastly a-monkeys. Accomplishments blablabla. No aim, all brain, mr. objwhore. Something like that.

Hungary CS4fi:
My first name is Gabor, maybe you know me as the ex-leader and player of underscore and Team-Hungary.ET. I started my online gaming "carreer" in 2003, and I selected ET as my first game, because one of my favourite single player games was RTCW. So, I'm here almost from the beginning, played in different eras, and got some results maybe. During this time I took to e-sport, and it seems I'll deal and care for this, because I see future in competitive gaming. As a first step I joined the crew of an upcoming Hungarian sportsite, as the leader and newswriter of e-sport section. On this site e-sport will take place between real sports, like football, formula 1, tennis and the others. So nowadays I'm working rather on this, I've less time for playing.

Latvia Clown:
Mr.Know-it-all, prefers teamplay over aim, and is able to play any class decently.

Latvia dunno:
It might be something like: "the guy which has ultra-high sensitivity (7cm per 360°), and actually can control it." That's what gives me pretty big advantage over low-sensers in close-battles. But the negative part is that concentration can influence aim a lot, even if you are a good aimer.

Latvia Vinyl:

Malta toxic:
Lagging laming whore.

Netherlands BuLL:
He started in RtCW as a public player with isdn, so beeing active in a clan was difficult due to ping problems, eventhough he tried it at GNC (gaming is not a crime), this was a Belgium RtCW clan. In autumn 2003, when he got his adsl, he joined gAim and played until December of 2003. Then he went over to ET.
In ET he played for Kodler, which renamed to Malfunction and later ended up as Kreaturen. He also played for Team Netherlands for 2 seasons and rAtatosk.
He has stopped playing ET for now.

Netherlands guardian:
Probably annoying. :)

Netherlands kris:
Arrogant and egoistic rambo.

Poland Mrozu:

Poland nrs:
I'm decent, so I can't answer to this question. But I can tell that I used to play in
team-poland and allstars East Europe.

Is ET in 2006 better or worse than ET in 2004?
QuoteBelgium Ganon:
ET evolved in a good way by decreasing the spam and removing the prone but I don't like the new maps (adler, frost, braun, ...). They are too small and one bad spawn can cost you a lost. (e.g: on adlernest you need less than 20 seconds to bring the objective while Axis is spawning every 30 seconds). I preferred the old good holds on oasis or goldrush.

Belgium lioco:
The game itself is with no doubt better than in 2004, the players and the community are worse than in 2004 (not in playing but acting).

Belgium mAx:
The community was more mature back in 2004, the top teams had more "class", less cheaters. Now there's more lans, and I don't know much about 5on5. I don't think there's a real answer to this question, I think each period has its place in ET history.

Belgium Rafiki:
You can't really compare both timepoints. The newschoolers will say 2006 is definitely the best while oldschoolers will laugh at that statement! Both periods got their charms. Oldschool teams like plan-b, broken, gunslingers, dsky, mth were always fascinating to watch but I can't really compare skills in 2004 or 2006. The game has been tweaked over the years. I think the scene is still alive and that's what counts! The only thing I hate about this community at the moment is the overflow of kids.

Belgium Xionn:
I didn't play ET back in 2004, but I know there were almost no cheaters around back then. On the other hand, a lot of gameplay changes and map changes really made the game better and way more suitable for competive gaming. Let's say: the community in 2004 > the community now, the game now > the game in 2004.

Switzerland gifty:
Nice community-splitter question. :P I'd say ET became better. Of course we don't have that many active teams anymore, but ET improved, like everything else. As an example: 2004 nobody cared about aim, it wasn't important to ET. Today it's something you must have, otherwise you can't stand a chance.

Germany butchji:
For me it's better because my real ET enjoyment began 2006 with my new computer.

Germany chaoz:
I'd say it's worse since we don't have "real" top teams anymore except idle.

Germany conan:
That's a tough question for me because I didn't play competitive in 2004. I think the game itself has become better. Changes like adding pronedelay, removing the mortar and reducing spam in general were definitely great. Furthermore, the coverage by is just great. But there's a development which worries me: Leagues which discerp the community by introducing new rules on their own. WL, ESL, CB and the smaller cups (et-cup, get etc.) should get together and create a universal rule set which is used at least for every online competition. Changes must not be made by any league only because they want to gain attention and want to change the game into something different which is not even wanted by the gamers. But well, I think the work between the leagues was a little bit better back in 2004. All in all, every year has something remarkable, too bad this remarkable things are in 2006 in the shadow of foolish decisions like the cb switch to 5on5.

Germany drago:
I prefer the 2006 version of ET, basically because of the heavily reduced spam.

Germany urtier:
Depends, I still don't like the fact that the maps are more and more based on lean, backrape and camp. I prefer crossfire maps. Though in 2006 there are a lot more things to achieve, LANs, bigger Cups etc. Somehow there weren't any players that became good within a week in 2004 ;)

Germany zerender:
Mhhm, in 2004 I wasn't playing ET that much, only about 2 hours a week, so I prefer 2006 :P

Germany ramiN:
2004. More players. More Cups. More fun. Today the game is on a level higher, though.

England Mztik:
It's hard to say I had only just started playing ET back in 2004, so I'd have to say 2005 was the best winning summercup and so forth, which is in the middle. I'm opposed to the whole 5v5 movement and some of the new maps like adlernest so if I can't pick the middle I think i'd go with 2004.

Finland Tiigeri:
I don't know much about how ET was in year 2004. I started playing ET in October 2004 and was a total nuub for a year at least. But I think ET has gone a bit more towards pro-way. Though some of the glamour has been lost also.

Finland twidi:
Some things are better, some worse. For example I like the gameplay better now than back in those days, because of the new changes which have reduced spam. But in 2004 the scene was more undivided, because back then there was a regular config which was used in all the most important leagues and the gameformat was clearly 6on6. Now every league has their own configs, maplists and formats what makes it quite confusing and harder to practice, especially because there are those 2 different formats (5on5 and 6on6) which differ from each other quite a lot.

Finland Xpaz:

Hungary CS4fi:
Ahh, the recurrent question. People like answering Yes or No for this, maybe they don't go over it. In 2004 we had gunslingers, Dignitas, Infensus, Destination Skyline and the others, these teams had a lot of old RTCW players. This meaned clearly a better game knowledge, and a better aim than the others had. They had time to find the best tactics, because the gap was larger between the top and med+ skilled teams than nowadays. In that time a few old RTCW players in a team guaranteed the quicker growth. Teams were more stable, maybe because of this gap and the victories. Like is stable too now for a long time. In these days it's sure the players have better aim than in 2004. It isn't hard for the med+ players shooting with 40% acc and 1.5 hs/kill. Although old time ago this could have been enough to decide games, nowadays this is the average skill, and wars could be decided only with experience and mature teamplay. I mean the top teams, just check now, or remember what Parodia did. The Estonian guys playing together for years, and that's the key of success. You can recruit the best players to a team, but that will not be enough to beat a stable top team which has a long run, because only time could beat them. And it's very sad that we have only one stable top team now with a history. 2006 is clearly the year of ET if I check LANs and cups, and I don't see any sign showing this will stop. If those teams could have had this competition level in 2004...this ought to have been done before. When all comes to all, I miss the stable teams of the good old days, but I'm happy if I look at the competitions of nowadays.

Latvia Clown:
Hard to tell, 2 years in gaming is a big difference, but I would choose 2006 instead of 2004... 2004 ET was still too spamy and it still had a lot of things I dont want back anymore(Like xp system and prone). In 2006 ET is having a heart attack with all the leagues fighting for configs and changes, in my opinion its pretty ridiculous. But 2006 also brings a lot of new things, like GIGA coverage, nice LANs and great new
leagues and cups like ESL. Skillwise, I think it's stupid to compare. I won't go through all the "2006 top teams are better than 2004 top teams" or vice versa. Things change, teams come and go, it's impossible to compare them like that.

Latvia dunno:
I think "ET in 2004" was better than "ET in 2006" only because of 5on5 & 6on6 split.

Latvia Vinyl:
I am very happy about the attention ET finally got in 2006 with the help of crossfire, GIGA tv, and others. Though memories of year 2004 when I just started playing the game are great.

Malta toxic:
Skillwise I think it's better now.

Netherlands BuLL:
It's worse. The real good clans with the big names are gone and I think it's no fun anymore playing unknown teams and gettin owned by them. Everyone who makes a decent team these days, gets an EC qualifier.

Netherlands guardian:
I personally think it's much better than before.

Netherlands kris:
With lans and all that ET is better atm, but the old times were just so lovelybecause of the big matches between dsky and .gs for example. Its just that we have
nice memories from these days, from the clans now they still have to come (cdap bashing idle).

Poland Mrozu:
I think that ET had evolved a lot during those 2 years and what can I say is that all of the changes were good and made this game much better.

Poland nrs:

From the start of ET, what was the best change and what was the worst thing that was introduced?
QuoteBelgium Ganon:
Best change: prone removed
Worst thing: It's becoming RTCW² with only plane maps. Now people think they are better than old players because of the kind of maps. Try to do only 3hs on oasis.

Belgium lioco:
The best thing I would say would be, because it brings the community together like no other thing has done. (outside of xfire then)
Worst thing would be the punkbuster shit, doesn't do anything.

Belgium mAx:
The removal of the prone is a good thing I guess. The 5on5 change might not be the best thing that happened to the game.

Belgium Rafiki:
Best change for me was the new etpro (new patch). Hitboxes were changed and accurancies raised with 5-10% (for me that is). The worst thing is the introduction of 5on5. The game concept of RTCW/ET was unique and I still don't get it why they changed it :(

Belgium Xionn:
The best change is probably the remove of XP in leauges, the concept was completely flawed. The worst thing is probably the splitting of the scene, with introducing 5on5 as an alternative to 6on6.

Switzerland gifty:
To take away the XP system was the best change. The people from 2 years ago just didn't know how to use the full spam. They had like 10 mines, 2 rifles, and 8 nades each eng. Today that wouldn't work, because the clans got the know-how. The worst? :L Hmm....Perhaps getting all the time new maps. If the guys had kept railgun back then, who knows what would be today :O)

Germany butchji:
Best thing whole ETPro <3 I like almost every improvement since its beginning and worst thing are those 1-5 minutes lotto maps like Adlernest.

Germany chaoz:
Best thing was removing XP and the invention of etpro. Worst thing was 5on5 because it seperates the scene in 2 parts.

Germany conan:
There is not the "best" change, but there are changes which have been very important to improve the gameplay. In my opinion, better decisions were to add pronedelay and remove the mortar, but changes like removing the XP system or the ability to turn of wolffog on radar were also great. Changes like that are important and I think that only changes like that can improve the gameplay , although the current gameplay doesn't need much changes but new good maps (at least 1 stunning map) are needed to make this game stay alive.

Germany drago:
The best change recently was the removal of mortar and mg42. The worst is probably CB's decision to go with the 5on5 format.

Germany urtier:
XP-Remove was probably the best thing that got introduced, followed by 5on5 as the worst.

Germany zerender:
The best "change" in ET was the etpro mod!
The worst, mhmm maybe the pronedelay + spread, because I was one of the noob proners :P.

Germany ramiN:
Worst: 5on5. Best: Crossfire LAN.

England Mztik:
Well this was an easy one although most people I'm sure are going to mention the XP removal I'd have to say prone delay was definitely one of the best changes the fact someone could have significantly worse aim then you and still win almost every single 1v1 by proning two or more times warrants the need for change. The worst change? Well 5v5, firstly the game just doesn't feel the same does it you don't get the intense action maps really don't work the same it's forced every single map to be played stupidly agressive sort of like supplydepot2 first phase on every map.

Finland Tiigeri:
The worst change definitely was the change from 6on6 to 5on5. Now when I've been playing several 5on5s I've got a better view of the gamestyle, it just completely sucks. At first it felt nice when you had more time and space to do some funny stuff. But after more games, it just feels like a huge part, especially in tactical meaning, has been taken out.
The best change, hmmm, well a lot of good changes have been made. But from the recent changes what delighted me quite a lot was the removal or mortar.

Finland twidi:
The best change was removing xp upgrades, because it reduced spam so much. The worst change was removing railgun and fueldump from mappool :(

Finland Xpaz:
Best: hitsounds, latest 6on6 config, improved netcode(s)
Worst: 5on5, 5on5, 5on5 (not too many other bad changes out there imo)

Hungary CS4fi:
I think you can read a lot of answers for this question about changing to 5on5, but I think every reasonable idea could have a try, and we will see after one season how 5on5 works. So I don't wanna talk about this. For me the best change was making ETPro, and developing it constantly. Removing prone was the worst change, fixing prone hitboxes or something other could have been a better solutions instead of this. Just try to imagine a real war without proning...

Latvia Clown:
Best change, ofcourse, was the xp removal. Worst is probably soldier charge time being 30 sec isntead of 20. It was made so the mortar is less effective, but since, mortar is removed in majority of configs, soldier charge time should be set back to 20.

Latvia dunno:
Ofcourse the worst change till now is 5on5 play system and KNOCKBACK by XFIRE team, but the best thing which I can remember might be forcing "r_wolffog 0".

Latvia Vinyl:
The best changes are XP removal and introducing pronedelay - without them this would be a totally different game. Worst - making a new config every month for every league just change something (knockback cvar at crossfire config).

Malta toxic:
Best thing - removal of XP; hmm Worst thing... I don't know :D

Netherlands BuLL:
The best change is the removal of prone. It really irritated me that some people just went down and down every single time. Hitsounds are nice and its nice to hear the 3 headshots sounds, but for me its also pretty frustating, because you also hear what you miss, so, like in RtCW, let them out. :)

Netherlands guardian:
The best hmmm.. XP removal for sure. =)

Netherlands kris:
The best were the hitsounds and the worst is the change to 5on5, 5on5 is still good because as long it's ET it's cool, but 6on6 was just better.

Poland Mrozu:
Well one of the better things was disabling mortar, it really sucked when you had to play against someone who had some skill with it, second change which I really enjoyed was disabling the XP system which made ET much more teambased game. I can't really think of any bad changes, for me everything's going into right direction.

Poland nrs:
K34/Garand dispersion / Reduction from 8 to 4 nades for eng / 5on5 system / Punkbuster still doesn't work
Removal of XP system

Is Quake Wars going to be a big hit among ET players? Why (not)?
QuoteBelgium Ganon:
I think that ET players will at least try QW, splashdamage knows that by
using the ET label. For me it'll be the same as any other game, I'll try
it then see if it's good or not.

Belgium lioco:
It might get the interest of lots of ET players but after all I think most people will
get back to RTCWw2, just because ET:QW is gonna be a whole other world than RTCW/ET. Maybe if it takes the interest of top teams the game might have a chance.

Belgium mAx:
I think a lot of ET players will try it out, but I don't think they'll play it in competitions. Why? Just look at the game.

Belgium Rafiki:
I'm sure a lot of people will try it. Some of them will keep on playing it but I guess Quake Wars is not a game for the RTCW/ET lovers.

Belgium Xionn:
I don't think so,it looks like Battlefield and from what I heard, no one really likes the Battlefield concept when it comes to competive gaming.

Switzerland gifty:
I don't think so. We saw it at QuakeCon, or atleast a part of it.. It
looks like Battlefield with the Quake engine :P Nothing for me at least, so I
don't think that a real ego shooter player likes it.

Germany butchji:
To be honest I'm not well informed about that topic.

Germany chaoz:
Don't think so, as long as it's like Battlefield. I played a lot of Battlefield 2 last summer with the sTREETFIGHTER guys and we had our fun but I can't imagine to play it in a team.. I don't like capturing flags :<

Germany conan:
I don't think it will become popular in the current ET-scene. Extraordinary detailled
landscapes and big maps don't make a great game. I hope that the gameplay will be at least a little bit like the RTCW and/or ET gameplay but I really doubt it. In addition, you have to use vehicles in the game and that reminds me of the Battlefield series which I haven't liked much. Nevertheless, the game looks awesome and I'm looking forward to play a Multiplayer demo. I won't make a final judgement about the game until then. Let's hope for the best :)

Germany drago:
From what I've seen till now it more looks like Battlefield 2. Actually I have secret passion for this game but I don't think many Enemy Territory players do share my keen interest for such a game.

Germany urtier:
No, QuakeWars is basically Battlefield with ET movement. I don't like it at all.

Germany zerender:
I think yes, because ET is getting boring for me and some others, RTCW2 is far away, so the only alternative would be ET:QW. But let's have it a try first, we will see.

Germany ramiN:
I guess Quake Wars has nothing to do with ET.

England Mztik:
I don't think it's going to be that great of a hit initially atleast, however after a few patches Quakewars pro hopefully and some major rebalancing we could see something playable and of course we're going to need the map support to shrink the game size to something around 6v6. So the answer is yes I guess but only after some time.

Finland Tiigeri:
Well I don't know that much about the game, but I doubt it very much. The Battlefield style vehicles just doens't fit in competition gaming that well in my opinion. I think it's just something to compete with EA's battlefield series.

Finland twidi:
ET:QW? I've only heard the name so I don't comment on this one.

Finland Xpaz:
No idea, but if it's like bf1942 like some say, I think no.

Hungary CS4fi:
I don't think Quake Wars could change something here. A lot of ET players will try it, and playing on pubs for fun, but maps seems too huge for me, so currently I don't think it could be a competitive game. Over 8vs8 I don't see any chance to have stable teams, but maybe I'm wrong...

Latvia Clown:
Without a pro mod and different game modes(no veichles and smaller maps) - I doubt it. Maybe only current casual public players will choose ET:QW instead of ET. But the competition side will most probably stay in ET. ET:QW is too different from ET, it's more battlefield than ET, and seeing how ET players react towards battlefield... Well... Not gonna happen.

Latvia dunno:
Definitely not. Not for ET players. I guess it would be in Battlefield style, a lot of vehicles, massive(8on8) gametype, etc. The only connection between ET and ET:QW is the title and some game classes(medics, fops, covertops...).

Latvia Vinyl:
I don't think QW are going to popular for a long time among ET players. From what I've seen, it will have to go through lots of various changes before it can become a competitive game.

Malta toxic:
No, due to it being Battlefield like which I see more as public style.

Netherlands BuLL:
Hmm.. hard question, but if the game will be fast and simple it might get somewhere. The game should be 'done' though.. Not like ET that it needs 1000 etpro beta's and updates to be complete.

Netherlands guardian:
I'm not so sure, but I doubt it at least.. since it's (from what I've seen) more like


Netherlands kris:
Most ET players will keep playing ET until RTCW2 is out I think, at least that's what I will do.

Poland Mrozu:
Well I think its not gonna be bad, but noone from Wolfenstein scene will like it because realm difference is too big. From 1st war to nanofuture, the gap is just too big to handle.

Poland nrs:
Nope. QW is more similar to BF than to ET, in my opinion for ET players only RTCW2 is teh future.

If 5on5 was played at LANs and 6on6 at online tournaments, would you play both or would you stick to one of them?
QuoteBelgium Ganon:
I would play both.

Belgium lioco:
Try to take both but it would be difficult as you have to send one home each LAN or switch every map.

Belgium mAx:
Playing both 5on5 and 6on6 is ridiculous especially if you have to let a player down.

Belgium Rafiki:
There is a big difference between 5on5 and 6on6 wars. I think it's not a good idea to mix all these things up. I know there are not that many active skilled clans with a stable 6 man lineup but some have and they have to drop 1 member to play at a LAN...totally nonsense in my opinion.

Belgium Xionn:
I would try to stick to one. It's a lot easier. Nothing more has to be added here. We already got so many different maps and configs, I don't need more diversity.

Switzerland gifty:
Both, but first you have to find a player who doesn't go to LANs, or is not able to.

Germany butchji:
I think everyone has to stick at one mode because no one has so much time to play both seriously. Maybe changing after a LAN back to 6on6.

Germany chaoz:
I would stick to one of them since it's bullshit to play the game in 2 different ways..

Germany conan:
I would accept 5on5 on LANs, but I still think that even on LANs 6on6 would be better. Just the fact that one of your teammates could not participiate at the LAN would make me feel unpleasent. Neverthless, I think it's better to have a 5on5 LAN than nothing, but online competition should definitely stay 6on6. It's the best format for ET and changing it is just wrong in my opinion (arguments for my opionion can be found in the Game On column).

Germany drago:
Helix will definitely stick to 6on6, no matter what. Personally I do not fully hate 5on5
but see no point in changing for one or two LAN's in a year.

Germany urtier:
If there is a nice schedule that allows you to play both why not, else I'd go for the format with the higher prize pot probably.

Germany zerender:
I prefer 5on5, it's a whole new feeling, can't explain it.

Germany ramiN:
I hate 5on5, I won't play any 5on5 cups, whether online or LAN.

England Mztik:
I'd think this was the best solution or just get those with more power than I *hint hint you know who you are* to simply embrace 6v6 and make that extra effort in the future to have LANs support the format cause it really honestly is a better game. Even if Quakecon decides otherwise, Quakecon's never been around for ET to boost the community it's more been promotion for Quake Wars notice they've cut the prize money and team size just to make things easier on themselves. Something the ET community should not be following footsteps in, but rather taking the more difficult way the game has been proved to be better played route.

Finland Tiigeri:
I guess I would stick with both. Depending of course on various other things also, like how many LANs, how good the competition level there would be (amount of good clans etc.) and so on. But this 5on5 and 6on6 split is a shame and hurts the game bad. But anyway, I would prefer lans, it's just totally different world, and an old player like me can feel some enthusiasm there which I very often don't have at online games.

Finland twidi:
I'd practice 5on5 only, because LANs are so much better and more important than any online tournaments.

Finland Xpaz:
Had to stick to one of them, changing lineup all the time between 5on5 and 6on6 just destroys teams and their spirit.

Hungary CS4fi:
I would play both, because every worthwhile team has an active reserve player. Changing from 6on6 to 5on5 means just some changes in tactics, teamplay and maybe 5on5 need better aimers. So, you can add a 6th player easily for online competitions without any problem. That 6th could help somewhere on the weakest point! And if 5on5 would be only for LANs, then we are usually talking about top teams which would attend LANs. For them I don't think it could be a problem using a 6th player online. And that 6th playr could help a lot in finding the best 5on5 tactic, because you could send him/her everywhere, you could test which positions could be stronger, how could be your 5on5 team better, you need just check the game from a different point of view.

Latvia Clown:
I would play both, but this system seams pretty dumb... Either one or none!

Latvia dunno:
I, and my team would play both, but even now we are experiencing some problems when hopping from 5on5 to 6on6 and vice versa.

Latvia Vinyl:
It would be impossible to do all the online tournaments 6on6, because if there are LAN's, players need to train 5on5 gameplay. Therefore this would bring a split between clans aiming to attend LAN's and lower skill ones. What I would like to see is a complete change to 5on5 or staying with 6on6.

Malta toxic:

Netherlands BuLL:
5on5, but stopped playing, but I think 5on5 is much better.. Even though 6on6 is the way Wolfenstein should be played.

Netherlands guardian:
Play both.

Netherlands kris:
I would play both, i prefer lans with 6on6 gametype, but 5on5 is cool too.

Poland Mrozu:
Dividing the game into two ways of playing have no sense, all we have to do is switch to one team size and stick to it, propably the better choice is 5on5 because all of the lans will be played with it.

Poland nrs:
This will seperate ET scene, for this who wants to play 6on6 and for this who wants to play 5on5, and this is not a good idea At the moment the situation is a little bit... fucked up. We (diversus) need to play 6on6 (for ESL) and 5on5 (for EC/PGA). I would prefer only one system of gameplay. For example look at CoD scene, this scene is divided, and this is not good for them.

What's more addictive, ET as a game or the people you play with?
QuoteBelgium Ganon:
Good question, I think that playing a game seriously involves to be a part of a community. So if the community part is fucked up there's no way to continue to have fun playing the game. So basicly both parts are important to be a stable player.

Belgium lioco:
People you play with for sure.

Belgium mAx:
When you join IRC, and see a topic with 5 (or 4 now) names in it, you often feel like adding yourself, uh :).

Belgium Rafiki:
Definitely the people you play with. The community and especially your teammates are the most important thing for me in this scene. I played in waco for 1 year before I moved for some higher skilled clans. After 3.5 years I'm back in waco, just because of the great guys over there. I know all of them in real life. Those who say gaming influences your social life in a bad way don't know a fuck about clans and communities.

Belgium Xionn:
Are you asking me if a game is more addicting than a sort of social contact? Impossible question to answer.

Switzerland gifty:
I think I found the middle-way. I know so many nice persons I didn't know they were existing. And both together makes me so addicted to it :O)

Germany butchji:
Of course you need both to stay motivated but I don't think I would change to a game I don't like to keep playing with them.

Germany chaoz:
100% the people

Germany conan:
Definitely both. ET as game is fun but if you don't have the right people to play with, you will lose motivation and finally the fun of ET. I'm in a very lucky situation at the moment because the atmosphere in team-helix is just great and we are absolutely determined to improve as much as possible.

Germany drago:
The people you play with. I would not mind changing to any other game as long as I can play with the same people I am playing with at the moment. Love them!

Germany urtier:
The people I play with.

Germany zerender:
The people I'm playing with for sure, I wouldn't keep playing ET without them (<3 you vib guys).

Germany ramiN:
The people. Definitely.

England Mztik:
ET in itself is a lot more addictive than the people you play with but you come to a stage like I have where the only thing still tieing you to the game is the people you play with, without them you'd never touch the game apart from the odd public every 3 weeks for an hour. The great attraction of online games has always been the social side to me, that's what really kicks in when you just seem to not find any sort of way to improve yourself individually or realistic goals but you still have all those great laughs with the guys on vent and well I can't call that addictive.

Finland Tiigeri:
Definitely the people. I can't enjoy this game without nice people in a good clan.

Finland twidi:
The people I play with. I hate playing this game alone (public) or with guys who I don't like.

Finland Xpaz:
The people deff-o.

Hungary CS4fi:
I collected several good friends for 3 years I'm playing, and we had great fun during this time. I need just remember back on the efterlyst of 2004, early 2005. That community was just too different, and maybe I liked that better. People were more skilled on the server, but more human and they were up to any fun... Nowadays I'm not so active in gaming, but I always check Crossfire and lots of other sites, because I like e-sport anyways!

Latvia Clown:
Good question. I would say both, I wouldn't know the people I play with now if not the game. And it probably wouldn't be as fun to play the game without them.

Latvia dunno:
I think it's the people from your team, cooperation with them, and a good-feeling, when you beat somebody with them.

Latvia Vinyl:
Definitely the people I play with. It has been a long time I've been together with my
team and I'm sure I would lose interest in the game if they weren't there.

Malta toxic:

Netherlands BuLL:
The people I play with.. Im playing CS:S now and it's still with the same people. They're fun and we've been playing together for a pretty long time now. But they kept me into ET.

Netherlands guardian:
6. The people I used to play with, urtier-senji-evil (hi@qm8s!)

Netherlands kris:
ET itself, but people like Rapt6rr, asd and Cwrd for example, they are just so lovely <3 (I'm not gay).

Poland Mrozu:
Lately the only thing which keeps me in the game are people which I play with, I don't enjoy ET as a game anymore, simply because I had too much of it. I'm bored.

Poland nrs:
I need ET to make people angry at me. And I love it!

Which five maps should be in every map pool?
QuoteBelgium Ganon:
New oasis, new goldrush, supply, radar, no idea for the fifth: the other maps are all the same.

Belgium lioco:
braundorf, supply, radar, frostbite, adlernest

Belgium mAx:
Following my personal taste: sw_goldrush, frostbite, reactor, supply and radar because they all can be intense in some way.

Belgium Rafiki:
Braundorf, Supply, Gold, Oasis, a decent ET version of Village (<3 this map).

Belgium Xionn:
Frostbite, braundorf, and radar and some other decent maps that still
have to be made.

Switzerland gifty:
Braundorf, Goldrush, Reactor, Radar, Adlernest!

Germany butchji:
sw_goldrush_te - supplydepot - radar - braundorf_b4 - sw_oasis_b3 -------------- And I want to play fueldump again sometimes. :(

Germany chaoz:
Supply, Radar, sw_goldrush, et_ice, goldendunk

Germany conan:
I can only name 4 maps which are suited for every mappool: goldrush, supplydepot, radar and frostbite (though frost sometimes depends much on luck). The fifth map could be braundorf, although I don't like it. But there are also some other possibilities like adler, crevasse, sw_fuel, which don't convince 100% me but could become good with some "tuning".

Germany drago:
Radar, supply, sw_goldrush_te, et_ice and (beat me) a modified version of oasis.

Germany urtier:
Radar, sw_goldrush_te, Supply, Delivery, + 1 random lotto map, such as braundorf, adler etc.

Germany zerender:
radar, goldrush, supply, braundorf, fueldump with the new competition settings

Germany ramiN:
Only radar and sw_grush =) The others in rotation.

England Mztik:
As much as people might hate my choices but supplydepot2, braundorf, radar, sw_goldrush_te, et_ice so supplydepot2 why cause it's one map no matter how overplayed it's just perfectly balanced it's not lotto it can develop a huge number of skills for a team such as moving from one defence to another. Braundorf for it's need for communication, timed attacks and it always seems to end in one big rush, which is great for spectators. Sw_goldrush_te when it's played well the courtyard breaking and making of crossfire is great to see. Radar is just one of the best maps doesn't need more to be said and et_ice simply for the tight corner action doc runs and mix and match defences, can be a bit spammy bit of a fullhold map but it's always good to see that breakaway push, which gets you somewhere.

Finland Tiigeri:
Difficult one. Radar, braundorf, frostbite, sw_goldrush_te and one of supply/sw_oasis/adlernest.

Finland twidi:
Fueldump, radar, railgun, special delivery 2 and sw_goldrush.

Finland Xpaz:
sw_gr, braundorf, supply

Hungary CS4fi:
supply, sw_oasis, sw_goldrush, radar and braundorf

Latvia Clown:
Braundorf, sw_goldrush_te, adlernest, radar, Supply Depot.

Latvia dunno:
sw_goldrush_te - that's the most succesful etmap ever; adlernest - one of the fastest maps, but good tactics can prevent allies from securing objective so fast; braundorf - also very succesful map, where you can try a lot of tactical combinations; frostbite - rtcw-type map, which fits in extremly well for ET; radar - the only map without any changes(except fog), full of action.

Latvia Vinyl:
Radar, sw_goldrush, supply, frostbite, braundorf.

Malta toxic:
braun, sd2, radar, grush, frost

Netherlands BuLL:
sw_goldrush, et_ice, delivery, supplydepot & dubrovnik.

Netherlands guardian:
sw_goldrush-radar-adlernest-frostbite-supply(even if it's not my real favorite)

Netherlands kris:
Supplydepot, Adlernest, Radar, Goldrush and Oasis, I don't see what's wrong with
fullhold maps, it's great fun playing oasis for 40 minutes ;P

Poland Mrozu:
I've always been with the classic maps, so supply, radar, sw_goldrush_te, braundorf_b4, frostbite.

Poland nrs:
braundorf_b4, sw_goldrush_te, supply, radar, adlernest

Name three things which RTCW2 desperately needs to have!
QuoteBelgium Ganon:
It has to stay customizable (not like Q4), fast&smooth and keep a trickjumping part.

Belgium lioco:
Teamplay, same spawning systems and aim.

Belgium mAx:
Another engine than D3 Engine, RtCW firerate, and a dedicated arqon/bani.

Belgium Rafiki:
6on6, no vehicles, same gameplay (fast action & teamplay).

Belgium Xionn:
RTCW gameplay, ET anti-lag and decent admins for all leagues/cups/...

Switzerland gifty:
1. Be 2. Like 3. RtCW&ET

Germany butchji:
Direct Input for the mouse! As competitive based as possible! It should be perfect!

Germany chaoz:
Just everything RTCW had. But if I have to name things it shouldn't have:
no rifle, no mines , no mortar ... you know what I'm trying to say ;)

Germany conan:
1. Fast gameplay
The Rtcw2 gameplay should be created according to the RTCW / ET gameplay. Fast action with spam (not too much), smg action and revives. That's how the gameplay should be. Therefore the maps must have points where the action is focused. But the maps should also allow multiple tactics and more than one way to the objectives. Nevertheless, they should be concise and clear to allow fast action.
2. A good netcode
The ET netcode is not bad, but I'd like to see an even improved netcode which allows you to hit an opponent with ping 50 as good as an opponent with ping 150.
3. A good community and a nice support by the publisher
Especially the support by the publisher will be very important in order to have the chance to get some bigger tournaments with prize money. Perhaps Rtcw2 will then become a main game besides counterstike and warcraft, but that's very doubtfu

Germany drago:
I think as long as we will have someone like bani and his crew taking care of a competition mod for RTCW2, we do not have anything to worry about

Germany urtier:
Higher rate of fire, no riflenade, no tanks that you can move by yourself.

Germany zerender:
To be honest I don't really care about RTCW2, it will be released in 2 years or something and I think I won't play games that long.

Germany ramiN:
Same movement, Quakecon, Helix =).

England Mztik:
This is perfect hitboxes, great competetion map support and one hell of a mod development team behind them, with that holy trinity the game is definitely gonna go places.

Finland Tiigeri:
Arcane style, medics and a team based objective style gameplay like it is
in RTCW and in ET.

Finland twidi:
Same kind of class system, spawning system and weapons than in ET.

Finland Xpaz:
BALANCED classes, good maps, good modding-community like ET.

Hungary CS4fi:
Circle strafe jump, covert ops, knife.

Latvia Clown:
Melee attack, like bash in CoD2 or kick with a leg like in RTCW SP :P, etpro anti-lag(good netcode for that matter) and more attention from LAN organizers and multigamings.

Latvia dunno:

Latvia Vinyl:
Proper anti-cheat software. I wouldn't mind paying 15 euros for the game if that would prevent the situation, when there isn't any possible way to ban cheaters from playing the game because of "insufficient proof", we have now in ET.
Gameplay. I don't mind playing ET without fancy graphics and lots of special effects and I wouldn't mind it playing in the future. But a game having them without the unique gameplay most of players like in ET would be just an another new game I would never play.
Support team that won't forget about the game as soon as it released. What would ET be now without etpro and untiring work of bani?

Malta toxic:
Perfect hitboxes [at least fixed for crouch], more LANs, good anti-cheat.

Netherlands BuLL:
Fast gameplay, higher rate of fire (like in RtCW), simple graphics, like RtCW & ET (everyone needs the change to play it, not only the best computers).

Netherlands guardian:
Strafe jumping ability! fast paced action and some nice class depending stuff I guess.

Netherlands kris:
LANs, TosspoT and mystic.

Poland Mrozu:
1. RtCW/ET multiplayer. 2. No antilag (so the jews wont be able to play, and yes polish people might lag, but atleast they have decent ping),

Poland nrs:
Eng with noobstick, no bugs and good anticheat (NO PB).

What will esports be like in five years?
QuoteBelgium Ganon:
I hope that European and American esport will become as big as it already is in asia.
weird sentence spotted)

Belgium lioco:
Hopefully something to look up at, something that gives gamers better backup ( something american ;) ).

Belgium mAx:
It will be full of people saying it's gonna get big in the next years. Time will tell, I think it will get big but not soon. Most professional gamers have the wage of a physical education teacher at the moment. (editor's note: as a future teacher, I find that rather offensive :-P)

Belgium Rafiki:
I can't predict the future but in my opinion it'll be just huge. More and more media coverage and huge amounts of money being put into it every year. Its popularity and success isn't showing any signs of shrinking so I think e-sports have a long future ahead.

Belgium Xionn:
I must say that I care very little about how "esports" is evolving, it seems to be growing into this mainstream thing that fits perfectly on a television channel like MTV. When you read a site like esreality you can't but notice how people are constantly talking about "image". If you look at what happened in the esports world the past years, except for the "image" to the outside world, nothing really changed. The prizes are still the same (2005 actually had way more prizes with the CPL WT), we got less stability (CPL their decision to go for Q3 again), the amount of players that can live from prize money only is still the same. The only thing I saw changing alot is the image to the outside world. For example Qcon 2006 looked really fancy but the Qcon in 2002 had nearly the same prizes.

Switzerland gifty:
Something we can't imagine yet... hopefully ;)

Germany butchji:
I don't think much will change. When the main working old-fashioned society will be in pension maybe sometime eSports will be in the main stream television.

Germany chaoz:
Mostly the same as today, maybe more people will know what it is all about and there will be commercials on TV.

Germany conan:
E-sports will become more important in the future (don't know if already in 5 years). Prize pots will contain more and more money and the scene will become more professional. I can't really predict how fast this development will be but looking at south korea for example where the grade of professionality is raising year by year and you can allready live by gaming I cannot imagine that it will take too much time until e-sports in Europe will be a serious business.

Germany drago:
RTCW2 matches in TV at primetime! Just kidding, guess it will be pretty much the same. Esport is evolving, but slowly (at least in Europe).

Germany urtier:
Bigger I guess, even more prizemoney etc.

Germany zerender:
I think it will be like now, only the mass of players will increase and the price money of course.

Germany ramiN:

England Mztik:
Not being the biggest fan of esports im sure its gonna grow will it be better or worse though it's hard to say I don't think it'll ever in Europe be taken as seriously as football for instance but it's definitely going to expand.

Finland Tiigeri:
More sponsors, more money, more "pro".

Finland twidi:
It'll become more professional and there will be a lot of more money moving, which can make it possible that someone might be able to even make enough incomes from gaming to live.

Finland Xpaz:
More and more professional, hopefully in a more diverse selection of games as well.

Hungary CS4fi:
If you check what happened with e-sport in the last 10 years, you could imagine the future. In the next years, e-sport will grow fast, more and more companies will support the teams which are not in direct connection with computers and games. I mean fast food restaurants, clothing, drugstore, drink companies which could fit in with this age-group. You can see a lots of sign, like Adidas supporting SK-Gaming for example. Another important thing that more and more middle-aged people select gaming as a hobby, e-sport get more and more support, so finally it will be an olympic game in some decades...

Latvia Clown:
I think it will be pretty commercialized, big sponsor adverts on gaming and clan sites. I don't know if it will be good or not, but I hope it will make gaming a more respectable way of time killing or even way of life.

Latvia dunno:
It will be pretty developed even in small countries. A lot of money will be rotating in this business. Companies(even not big) will find a place in esports area, where to put their money in, and will get more benefit from it from year to year.

Latvia Vinyl:
Idle players becoming pop stars?

Malta toxic:
It will grow, but at a slow pace.. it will be somewhat as it is today but only more prize money and more coverage/hype.

Netherlands BuLL:
Big, but ET will never fit in. There might be some LANs these days, but it won't be enough to let ET become like Counterstrike 1.6 or Warcraft3.

Netherlands guardian:
Hmm good question, I just hope it's more organized.

Netherlands kris:
It will be more seen as a sport I think with a lot of TV shows and stuff, and the
NASA will hire me to aim for a robot on some planet killing aliens with a lasergun and stuff.

Poland Mrozu:
It won't change much, at least in Europe, just bigger prize pots each year, rest will stay the same - Counter-Strike, Warcraft and some duel game like Quake or PK. Of course it will evolve a lot, but only in China, Korea - countries where people die in front of computer.

Poland nrs:
More professional.

Do you think that you have missed out on certain things because of your ET career?
QuoteBelgium Ganon:
Of course, being active in EC, NC and every other competition in addition to the practice time requests a lot of time. I did great things and met great people. I missed a year in my university but i don't have any regrets, I will never live again such an experience.

Belgium lioco:
I might have missed a part of the "real life" thingie, but I can't complain on how things been going in my life.

Belgium mAx:
Probably, but I also improved myself in some way cause of my ET career, that's just how things are :).

Belgium Rafiki:
I will never put ET or gaming on top. I have too many other things to do. Indoor Foot, youth movement (for about 16 years), I play music and I have a job after I graduated in computer sciences. Weekends are holy for me and that means: Hanging out with friends and no PC for sure :) They know I'm quite a dedicated gamer but I can easily say 'goodbye pc' whenever I want.
As long as I don't have to sacrifice real life issues for gaming without feeling bad about it, I'll continue and see it as a hobby!

Belgium Xionn:
I don't think so, my ET career started when I joined demiurge, that was in somewhere in April. Then I played until the EC semi-finals in June, after losing that game I took a break for two months. The first time I touched ET again was in august with sFx.

Switzerland gifty:
No. I always had enough time to be with my friends, school, sports (squash, tennis, football etc.) and girlfriends. I didn't miss anything, expect this gaylord House&Electro trend going around in Switzerland. (THANK GOD I WAS BEHIND MY COMPUTER: ROFL). I really like how it's going. Of course I'm addicted to my computer, but I couldn't imagine what I'd have done if not being at my computer. It's just like watching TV, wanking, more sports, going to gay parties, fishing (ROFL), or anything else.. It's actually a way to waste your spare time, and for me a lovely way :P

Germany butchji:
Maybe some daily soaps on television or Deutschland sucht den Superstar! :-(

Germany chaoz:
Summer 2004 I missed lots of cool things and I regret it!

Germany conan:
No, definitely not. Probably there are people out there who are playing 24/7 but for me playing ET means playing 2-3 hours every evening except Friday and Saturday. That's why I still have enough time to read, meet friends, do some sports, go to school (=D) etc. It's just some kind of hobby to kill some time.

Germany drago:
Well I had to cut a few hobbies regarding sports, but still ET is not something possessing my whole life. I do not regret the time I spend playing.

Germany urtier:
Not that much, maybe some parties with friends or something like this, nothing really important.

Germany zerender:
Nope, I would play CS:S instead :D

Germany ramiN:
Yes, I'd say so.

England Mztik:
I'm sure there's things I've missed but rather then dwell on them I prefer to think about the great people I've met, friends I've made some people who you're just never going to forget really and it was all worth it.

Finland Tiigeri:
Well I guess only thing I have missed is some "studying points". After all I go out much. And I'v had a quite a long relationship (and currently working on another one:). Anyway I think playing ET has given a lot more than it has taken off of me.

Finland twidi:

Finland Xpaz:
Maybe it has, maybe it hasn't but it definitely has given me some great experiences that I value.

Hungary CS4fi:
When I played actively in a clan, practice games took a lot of time, so I had less time for going out and other hobbies. But anyways this is a hobby too, and everybody could decide what is important for him/her. And maybe I will work in this field in the future, so finally time will decide.

Latvia Clown:
Yes, probably, I could have spent that time studying harder :)

Latvia dunno:
Might be. Spending some hours at evening, forces me to plan things in other way, this is the time which I could spend on working or reading.

Latvia Vinyl:
Certainly. But I don't regret a single thing.

Malta toxic:
I dont see that I missed out on anything as I always had a good balance of my priorities.

Netherlands BuLL:
Not really in ET, but in RtCW there were weeks that I would play till 3 o clock in the morning and I had to wake up at 7 for school. Doing that every day really makes u look tired, feel tired and your school results will get worse, what happened to me.

Netherlands guardian:
Definitely not.

Netherlands kris:
Yeah, I gave up my sport motocross, I blame it on the money and injuries, but if I'm honest ET was a big factor too :>

Poland Mrozu:
A LOT of school, rest is fine.

Poland nrs:
Of course..

Part 2