image: biqq Germany Benjamin Ramser, better known as Germany biqq, is the Team-Captain of Germany Team-Helix. The 20 year old German student and former Team-Germany captain is a very experienced player. Without a doubt he is one of Germany's best ET players, but he could never win one of the bigger international tournaments. In his interview with the ESL he talks about the good chance to win his first international big event.

Hello biqq, please introduce youself first.

Hello my dear! 20 years ago my mother gave birth to a cute boy and she called him Ben. Today this boy is a student in Berlin, who enjoys to play Enemy Territory and who always has to answer the same questions in interviews. It's mee biqq!

You already play over several month on a very high level. Do you still take ET seriously or changed your engagement for ET since you gave up your position as team leader of Team-Germany, or what was the reason for that?

That I gave up the position as Team-Germany captain has nothing to do with a changing engagement for ET, quite the contrary! The games with Team - Helix are simply way more important and they're what im focusing on at the moment.

Before we will concentrate us on the upcoming match we should take a look at your recent matches. You could win all matches with just one loss, how satisfied are you with this result?

Well, I'm still very satisfied with the results we achieved so far. The loss against aMenti was unnecessary and now we've to worry about the 2nd place.

No other team was shown so often on GIGA. Is it mainly the decision by your team to get a nice extra money or do you have a special order by your management to represent Team-Helix as often as possible on German TV?

Hm, I can't remember that duke threatened us with death penalty when we don't play on Giga as often as possible, but it seems that we were the only team that recognized the chance for ET to get some more attention from Giga's large viewer pool. But I can't negate that the money was a factor aswell.

The ESL tried to react of ET's problem with dropouts and added a match win bonus. An absolutly new feature for ET, but it seemes as this couldn't change the situation. What would you do to solve the problem with dropouts, or is an ET specific problem that probably cannot be solved?

Seems to be an ET specific thing as you said since it has been the case in almost every tournament I played so far.

Organizing a tournament with this dimension for the first time is always not very easy. What do you like of the running IPS?

The coverage and the new moneysystem were awesome, the 20 €/win are a nice bonus to the usuall pricemoney. Kudos to chosen and his admincrew who established a decent tournament, wrote newspost which did not seem to end and who simply invested alot of time to make this possible. A special thanks also goes out to FlyingDJ who plead for ET to be shown on GIGA/GIGA2 and the crew who provided hundreds of ETTV-slots for the viewers.

And what would you change for the next season?

Hm, I would make sure that players who played in the IPS before but in another team are not allowed to switch the teams during the tournament. I would leave out crevasse (although we successfully avoided to play it the whole season :D) and I would raise the pricemoney provided that the ESL will start another IPS season.

Today's match will decide who can get the biggest part of the 1500 €. How did you prepare for this important match, the same way as always or can idle expect an optimally prepared Team-Helix?

The same way as always.

For many idle is the most complexe team of the world. What does Team-Helix has where idle might not be better?

Well drago is good at football, riddla knows how to eliminate alot of weed before passing the border, conan can talk nineteen to the dozen, evil is good at getting the police's attention, ramin can convince his conservative mother to go to lan and I, yes I don't get what you want me to say here.

Idle changed their lineup just some weeks ago. Do you think that this can influence their power?

Nope, we already played them and they're even more annoying than before.

What are your future plans after this match. Will Team-Helix fully concentrate on EC?

Jeah, we want to do well in the ClanBase EuroCup, we're going to play the hopefully upcoming uQ.Gaming Cup and we're trying to get to the next Crossfire Lan organized by Crossfire's very own Stuart 'TosspoT' Saw, who still has the number of my mobilephone. Scary isn't it? :(

Thanks for the interview, any final words? Shoutouts?

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