image: urtier Germany Tore 'urtier' Trimpop, aged 20, plays already more than one year for ET's best team Estonia He is one of the best Field Ops around and his many airstrike-kills let him become a very well-known player in the ET scene. After winning many big events and a lot of money he talks in his interview with the ESL about the chances to win the online tournament with the highest prizemoney ET has ever seen.

Can you please introduce yourself at the beginning?

My name is Tore, most of you know me as urtier. I’m 20 years old and currently searching for a job.

Without a doubt in anyone's mind idle has achieved things other teams can only dream of, but what is it that makes idle so good and still so hungry for new achievements?

I wouldn’t say we are hungry for new achievements, we are way more hungry for the LANs. It’s always fun and you can gain some really good money with it. To be ready in shape we are playing online Cups and of course mostly pracs.

You had to change your lineup some days ago. Why did you choose Reload as newest addition and have you noticed any difference in the new team or is idle already on the level of your best days?

I noticed a difference in the first 2 or 3 pracs, that’s it. We are almost on the same level as we were with teKoa but even that would not be the best we can do.

You are the top favorite of the tournament. No single map loss till now, is there anything to critize on your performance?

The only thing that might be there to criticize is that Fear Factory was able to set a time against us on a map and that we are loosing certain stages of certain maps way too fast.

Two IPS matches of you were shown on GIGA. How do you feel playing in front of thousands of viewers on TV and how important is it for your clan?

Well, without being arrogant, I’d say we are used to it. It’s no difference than playing an official without any ETTV or GIGA. Of course it’s a really nice stage to advertise for a clan and to show what you’re made off. But since idle is more a name than a clan we do not really care about that.

Your match against Team-Helix is the most promising match of the last weeks. How did you prepare for this match?

We played some of our practise matches on the maps, we are going to play against them, as always. We didn’t do anything special and we’ll just try to play our game.

Today's opponent Team-Helix is the only team which could keep path with you. Is it possible that Helix can beat you? How strong do you judge them?

Helix is of course a strong team, but you saw vs aMenti that they lack some kind of routine. You can lose Adlernest anytime of course, since it’s a really lotto map, but they shouldn’t have lost Supply with their normal performance. I guess they were just a bit nervous.
If we play our normal game we should be able to beat them 4:0.

Having EC in mind, which other teams might be strong enough to beat you?

Probably A-Monkeys or maybe zeroPoint, even though they didn’t look that good yet. Of course everyone can beat us if we do not play as good as we can.

The new lineup of Team-Germany consists not of Germany's best players. Many miss names like biqq and your one. Why did you and the others said no to play this time for your homecountry?

We decided that no idle player will play Nationscup since it takes way too much time. We consist of 3 nations, and if there’s always one or two missing for some random mix teams, you can’t perform as good as you want with your clan, since you can’t prac.
I don’t know why the others didn’t want to play. I guess they just don’t come along with some of the current German players.

Any final comments or anything you would like to say?

No :-(

Thanks a lot urtier.