Today i caught up with everyones favourite dutchie, Wesbo! Currently participating in EuroCup with Europe Morrigu and competing in Nationscup with Canada Canada, he is a firm favourite with much of the Enemy Territory Community.

image: wesley
United Kingdom Splodge: Hi Wesbo for those who don’t know you, tell us a bit about yourself.

Netherlands Wesbo: Hey, well I'm Wesley "Wesbo" Sierhuis. I live in Holland and I'm 17 years old and I’ll turn 18 on the 13th of January. I'm in my last year at what you might call sixth form college (VWO for the dutchies!). I'm planning to go to university after this year, but I haven't decided what to study yet, but probably psychology or maybe medicine) and I've been gaming for nearly 3 years now.

United Kingdom Splodge: What games other than Enemy Territory have you played over that time? Are there any other types of game you like, or are First Person Shooters your main preference?

Netherlands Wesbo: Well I used to play on consoles a lot. I had a super Nintendo, N64, PS1 & PS2. I played mainly the "major" games and didn’t look at any other titles. My first game on the PC was dune (I still enjoy playing that game now) and after that I played combat flight simulator.
A mate of mine on school told me about this free game "ET". I started playing and actually I didn't really like it at first, it was a bit complicated for me and I didn’t understand the different classes and objectives. After I started playing ET actively I bought some games such as CSS & WoW. I didn’t really like them as much as ET so I've never started playing them for longer than an hour. Personally I prefer strategy games over FPS games. I'm more of a slow type that thinks over things before I do them.

United Kingdom Splodge: What have been your greatest personal achievements whilst playing ET? Are there any other things you would like to accomplish in ET, or are you starting to look for other games to compete in?

Netherlands Wesbo: Well it would be easy to say my greatest achievement would be getting an invite into this years EC, but actually I don't think this is something I achieved. I'm just a very lucky guy to play with such talented players. I'm also very proud to play for Canada in this years NC, but again I do not think this is something I achieved. The thing I had the most joy about was reaching the final of the sixth division in my first year at the OC.
I think I've never felt so down after any match when we lost this finale. I still think this is my greatest achievement, because it was my first and one I really helped with. My goals in ET were to play NC & EC once and I realised these dreams this year. One of my goals is also to play at CPC #2, which I'm hoping to realise as well. What will I do after this season? I have no idea, lately I found out I don't like the game as much as I used to. We will see what the future brings, I'm not making any plans just yet though!

United Kingdom Splodge: Moving onto this years EC. Morrigu seem to be in a very strong group, how do you think your clan will perform, and what other clan do you feel have the best chance of winning this year?

Netherlands Wesbo: Yes, we're in a hard group. Although a lot of people say there are some clans that shouldn’t be in EC I think any group is hard. All the teams are capable of beating each other and I think this will be a really close EC. I hope mQ will do well in our last two group matches.
We haven't been practicing a lot lately, but with the old Morrigu our best matches were those we didn’t prepare, so maybe we can pull a stunt and win against NETR & uQ. My heart says we won't succeed to the play offs, but hey my heart has been wrong on several other occasions so I hope it’s wrong again!
I think idle will win this years EC as they did last season. The clan that will surprise most will be Incomplete probably.

United Kingdom Splodge: What do you think will happen to mQ after EC. It seems that many clans fold after the EC, do you see yourself doing the same?

Netherlands Wesbo: Like I said before I don't know what I will do after this season, but I'm pretty sure we will all stay friends. The "new" mQ started with me, mize & joop and we have been playing together for such a long time I'm sure we won't stop playing with each other after this season (maybe not in a clan together but we will keep playing). I'm also pretty sure we will stay together until CPC #2, maybe with a slightly different line up though.

United Kingdom Splodge: Well, we've heard about what you think about you and Morrigu, so lets make things a bit broader. How do you see ET and its community changing in the future and will it be a good or bad change?

Netherlands Wesbo: I think it's time for a new game (RTCW2?), because there is a time where everyone improves and improves and others improve faster than the rest. At that time those players are better and therefore the "high" skillers of that time. Later on other people improve as much as the others and will turn into "high" skillers as well. I think ET reached his top level this year where practically any clan could beat the other clan and the individual skill of players are nearly the same. There aren't any major differences between a "high" skilled player and a "med" skilled player anymore. The only difference is that the high skilled player has played on a high level for some time and has more experience and game sense, but this will change after the "med" skilled player will play more and practice more. I think we're at the top of the skill level and competition wise I think this is a good thing, but I do believe it is time for another game so people won't get bored with the game (If you can't improve anymore and you see other players become as good as you are what is the point of playing the game?).

United Kingdom Splodge: Most of the ET Community are aware of the relationship between Angrykid and Lunachick however there have recently been rumours about you and another ET Player. Would you care to shed some light onto the subject?

Netherlands Wesbo: Well in the old Dutch Morrigu we had this female player called Kitty. I kept in touch with her, well sort of and I can't remember why but we started about the LAN and about how we both wanted to go. We agreed on going together and when I came back from my holiday in Crete we went to the LAN together. Although the LAN itself wasn't too impressive (sorry :D I didn’t dare saying hi to most people) we did enjoy each others company.
After the LAN we went back to my city (zaandam) and we went out and really enjoyed it. A few weeks after she came again and one thing let to another... We've been together for a bit more than 2 months now and I will be going to Austria together with her and her family this Christmas.

United Kingdom Splodge: So will we see little baby Wesbos’ in the future? :D

Netherlands Wesbo: Hah! Well I won't say no because I do hope I will get children one day! We're both really young (she's only 16!) and it would be really weird if I'd say we will have children together! We will see what happen, I'm not saying no but I can't see it happening any time soon!

United Kingdom Splodge: Thanks for the interview Wesbo. Any shoutouts?

Netherlands Wesbo: Shoutout to joop! A true friend, we had our fights, but overall I hope he will think of me as a good guy! Shout out to mize as well! We always have a great laugh together! Gyzr my lovely crazy viking :), always in for a laugh! Brot the happy german with the best laugh I ever heard! Lakai a really solid guy, someone you can have a laugh with but also a decent conversation!
Shoutout to the rest of morrigu as well! Shoutout to all the guys I played in with the old morrigu (skaf, twiz, efax, amnesia, boxer, nijmege01 etc), razer (kiitos, nils, linezy, alone, ludo, gen), elysium (repsol, sector, arachon, YOU etc), necromantia (hentai, viax, hat, slyfox, crew, meez) and some other clans I might have forgotten. Shoutout to duroh, saken, lavod, tekoa, unblind, anim, mulu, jugular.. Last but most definately not least Esther! I love you hon!